1\forrison, and \Vrixon report, that they have adjusted the Chamberlain's accounts from 29 Sep., 1768, to 2!:> 1\larch, 1771, and that there is a balance of £1418 lOs. 2id. due from him to last date; It., that £175 due frmn l\files and Phili Cogan, and £10 from James and John Curtin and Thomas Barry, being desperate e ts, be entered so in the Ledger. It., that £69 2s. be paid Ald. l\Iillerd, expenses going and returning frmn Dublin on the memorial to Parliament relative to Goulnaspurra; It., £57 12s. 9!(l. be paid l)hineas Bagwell, p1·inter and stationer; It., £410 19s. 6~cl .... be paid Ald. Parks and l\fr. Burgess Rowland and Willcocks, costs under the attachment of the Court of K. B. for holding a Pye l)owder Court, when they were l\1ayor and Sheriffs, p1.usuant to the ancient usage of this Corroration; It., £8 ISs. 5(l. to Ald. Dusteed. for putting up and securing a perch at the spit at Cove; It., £8 to Rout. llcron, cooper, cost of ten coal barrels; It., that the Chatnberlain advance to Henry Wrixon, :Esq., £109 Os. 6d.. for finishing the repairs of Glaunamaght I~·idge, in the North Liberties of this City, Wrixon passing his promissory note to the Chamber- lain for said money, payaule 1 Sep. next.. Present-Mr. l\Iayor, Sher. Cossart; . Alden. Pn.rker, Owgan, 1\Iillerd, Busteed, Wetherall, Franklin, J. Smith, Parks, l\faylor, Chatterton, Phillii>S, Baker, W estropp, and Swete. 5 June, 1771. Ordered, that Richard Penhale, mer., having served Greatrakes Sn1ith, do.; Thomas I.ane, having served \Villiam Parker, Esq.; Thomas l.hooks, mer., a Protestant foreigner, having come to this City to settle and carry on trade, on payment of 2.08.; Philip Stubbeman, mer., a I>rotcstant foreigner, do., dB.; Simeon Henry Hardy, mer., having served Harmer Delahoide, mer.;· William Harris, eooper, having served Thomas Harris, do. ; John Lindsay J~m'ter, cooper, having served John Flemming and Tho. Harris, do. ; Arthur Collis, gent.; Watkins William Verling, gent.; Robt. Dring, gent.; ·Samuel Upton, gent.; Thomas 1\Iorgan, clothier, having served Edward Soott, do., be admitted freemen at large. lt., 2 guineas to Murtho Connor for attending the l\1ayor's office. Present-Mr. 1\Iayor, Sher. Cossart and Lucas; Alden. Parker, Owgan, W estropp, Busteed, Philpott, W etherall, Franklin, J -. Smith, Maylor, Baker, and Mr. Lane, C. S. 108-2
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