It., that the Chamberlain do every year give security for the due execu- tion of his office by Rond, with two sufficient securities, the Bond to be of the penalty of £4000, and that the Chamberlain with such security do execute the first bond to be accountable for the money to this Corporation. It., that £3 5s. be paid the Revd. Henry Sandiford., expenses of the tippet bought by him; It., £16 19s. 7d. to Wm. Heynol<ls, for silversmith's work done by him. Present-Mr.l\fayor, Sher. Cossart and Lucas; Alden. Millerd, Philpott, Bury, W etherall, Franklin~ J. Smith~ and Mr. Lane, C~ S. 10 lrfay, 1771. Ordered, that £2GO be paid to the Trustees of the Will of Moses Deane, :Esq., dec., for cloathing, schooling, &c., twenty boys and twenty maidens in the parish of S. Peter, the interest of £1200 paid by Sr. Hobt. Deane, Bart., dec. · Whereas at a Council held 8 Aug., 1769, Al<l. Franklin and Mr. Burgess Browne reported that they examined the accounts of Francis Carleton, Esq., relative to Skiddy's and Bretridge's Alms-houses, an<.l that there was a balance of £156 19s. 10d. due of him, and £63 out of the lands of Drum- cnmmer, one year's rent; and also £70 of the ground on which said Alms- houses were formerly erecte<.l, and that the old soldiers and widows have been paid in full. Ordererl, that said Franklin and Browne be a committee to state the accounts of said Alms-houses to 1 1\fay inst., and report. It., that the North and South Bridges, and the Main Street from gate to gate, be immedjately new paved, and that 1\fr. Kent see same executed; It., £4 to Mr. John "\Vood, one year's 1·ent of the Guard House at Black- })ool; It., £50 15s. 10d. to Ald. Westropp, as 1\faster of the Blue Coat Hospital; It., £15 9s. 4d. to 1\fessrs. Lawton and Izod, for candles; It., that ~fr. Kent buy for the use of the Corporation 100 barrels of coal; It., £3 a year to Henry ~Iajor, late one of the Bellmen, who is very old; It., £13 2s. lld. to Richard Burt, for glazier's work. Present-~'lr. ~Iayor, Sl;er. Cossart and Lucas; Alden. Owgan, Westropp, l\Iillenl, Philpott, J. Smith, ~Iaylor, Franklin, Bury, and '\Vrixon. 28 },fay, 1771. This tlay AlJcn. l\lillenl, Tiury, Baker, Mr. Sher. Lucas, 1\Ir. Burgess Izod,
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