6 },fa'rch, 1771. No business for want of a sufficient number.-John Lane, Clk. of Council l)resent--1\Ir. Mayor, Sher. Cossart and Lucas; Alden. Parker, Bury, Afaylor, Baker, and Mr. C. S. 9 },[ a1·ch, 1771. Ordered, that Alden. Millerd, Swete, Bury, Baker, and Sher. Lucas, with those of the C. D. H., be a con1mittee to state the Chamberlain's accounts to 29 inst.; It., that £3G 3s. 8!d. be paid 1\Ir. Thomas Price, ship chand- ler, in full, for tar barrels, &c., supplied from 29 Sep., 1752, to 5 Oct., 17G9; It., £33 Os. 8d. to Mrs. Esther Holmes, for clothing for the Bellmen anu Exchange Porter ; It., that Patrick Snllivan and Danl. Noonane be ap- pointed Scavengers to sweep the streets from North to South Gate, for ono year, and that they shall have the benefit of the dung, paying the Cham- berlain £10 quarterly; they are to sweep on one day and oarry away tl1o sweepings on the next, otherwise any other person to be at liberty to carry away same. It., that the Salary of the Revd. Henry Sandiford be raised to 20 guineas a year. Present--Mr. ~fayor, Sher. Cossart and Lucas ; Alden. Parker, Westropp, 1\fillerd, Philpott, Swete, Bury, Franklin, Wrixon, J. Smith, Chatterton, Baker, and Lane, C. S. 14 March, 1771. · No business this day.-Wm. Snowe, Clk. of Council Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Cossart and Lucas ; Alden. Parker, Owgan, W estropp, Milleru, Franklin, J. Smith, Chatterton, Baker, Wrixon, and Lane, C. S. 9 April, 1771. No business for want of a sufficient number.-W. Snowe, Clk. of Council. Present--Mr. Mayor; Alden. Owgan and Maylor. 13 .April, 1771. Tlris day the Mayor, &c., appointed a public Coal yard to be kept in the yard and linney on Red Abbey Marsh, belonging to Mr. Robt. Bald win, at a yearly rent of .£30. 108
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