Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



7 Nov., 1770. No business for want of a sufficient number.-Wm. Snowe, Clk. of Council Present-- Mr. Mayor, Sher. Lucas; Alden. Westropp, Millerd, Philpott, and Bury. 9 Nov., 1770. Ordered, that Joseph Gabbett, of High Park, Co. Limerick, Esq., brother- in-law to Mr. Mayor, be at the request of Mr. Mayor admitted free at large ; also Isaac Cossart, of London, mer., brother to Mr. Sheriff Cossart; and Mr. Thomas Lucas, brother to Mr. Sher. Lucas, be admitted free at large. lt., that a gate be made at the North side of the North Meat Shambles, and Mr. Sober Kent be overseer. It., that Luke Pritty be appointed scavenger of the several markets, and have the dung he shall collect. It., .£5 6s. 1d. to Revet. Mr. James Weekes, la~ Corporation Chaplain, ballance due for one Sermon by him preached. ~ It., .£4 to Andrew Dalton, Carpenter, for four deal bedsteads with sack- '\ ing bottoms for Mayoralty House. It., that Ald. Busteed do erect a new Spit at Cove. That Thomas Gray Fuller, eldest son of Wm. F., woollen draper ; Abra- ham Foord, eldest son of Richd. F., Esq., dec.; Alexander Douglas, gold- smith, having served Wm. Reynolds, do. ; Will. Daunt, mer., having served Thomas Fuller, mer. ; John Sweeny, cooper, having served Wm. Lane, do., and Patrick Walsh, cooper, having served Noblet Johnson, do., be admitted free. Present--Mr. Mayor, Sher. Cossart and Lucas ; Alden. Parker, Owgan, Franklin, Westropp, Millerd, Bury, Wrixon, Baker, and Lane, C. S. 13 Nov., 1770. This day the Mayor, &c., granted a license to Mich 1• Wood, clothier, to purchase coals for sale and keep a yard or cellar for selling same. Ordered, that the Chamberlain pay Mr. Kevan Izod, for the use of the Trustees for supplying the City with water, the money due on three bonds passed by the Mayor, &c., to said lzod, for the Corporation's three first dividends on the 25 shares for supplying said water._

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