Present-1\fr. l\fayor, Sher. Kellett; Alden. Newman, W estropp, Busteed, Philpott, Franklin, 'Yrixon, J. Smith, Maylor, Chatterton, Phillips; Mr. Browne, and Lane, C. S.
Christopher Collis, Esq., Mayor. 12 Oct., 1770.
This day Mr. Mayor and the Sheriffs were sworn of the Common Council. It., Will. Busteed produced his accounts of Water Bailiffship from 29 Sep., 1769, to 29 Sep., 1770, whereby it appears he paid the Chamber- lain £167 9s. 1d., over and above all other expenses. It., that Mr. Kent, City overseer, provide for the Mayoralty 2 large copper pots, 6 copper stew-pans, 2 large copper sauce-pans, 2 copper baking patty-pans, 4 dozen tin-fluted pans, a cross counter in the office, a shed in the yard, green paragon curtains for two of -the bedsteads, and green paragon curtains for two of the rooms ; It., £4 1ls. to Wm. Rogers, brazier, for three pair of large copper scales, and three sets of large brass weights, and three sets of small do., supplied for the use of the Market Jury; It., a salary of 10 guineas a year to the person who shall be elected Chaplain, for which he is to preach five occasional sermons yearly before the Corporation, and that a silk tippet be bought for him, and that the Revd. Henry Sandiford be hereby appointed Chaplain. It., that £12 15s. 2d. be paid Robert Ouldin for iime for Blackrock Castle. Present--Mr. Mayor, Sher. Cossart and Lucas; Alden. Newman, Par~er, Owgan, W estropp, Millerd, Busteed, Smith, Swete, Bury, W etherall, Frank- lin, Wrixon, J. S~ith, Phillips, Parks, Philpott, and Lane, C. S. 23 Oct., 1770. That the Rt. Ron. Geo. de la Poer Beresford, Earl of Tyrone, and Rt. Hon. John Beresford, Knight of the Shire for Co. Waterford, be presented with their freedoms in Silver boxes. Present--Mr. Mayor, Sher. 9ossart and Lucas ; Alden. W estropp, Philpott, Parker, Owgan, J. Smith, Maylor, Baker, Franklin, Wrixon, Busteed, and Mr. Lane, C. S. ·
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