It., that Mr. Mayor issue a.Proclamation offering a reward of £50 to any person· who shall convict one or more of the offenders wno lately feloniously assembled in the King's high way in the North Liberties of this City, and cut and destroyed several parcels of goods coming to Corke from Dublin, and part of clothing· or his Maj. 58 Reg'. of Foot, coming from Dublin to Kinsale. Present- Mr. Mayor, She!". Kellett ; Alden~ Newman, Owgan, W estropp, :Philpott.. Weth~ Wrixon, Maylm·, Franklin; Mr. Browne.; and Lane, C. S. 25 .Aug., 1770. No meeting ~for want of a sufficient number.-John Lane, D._Clk. of Council Present-Mr. Mayor; Aid ea. W estropp, Millerd, Busteed, Philpott, W rixon,. J. Smith, and Chatterton. 28 Sep., 1770. That a sa.Dary of .£60 be paid the Waterbailiff (duties as before). There being a vacancy for an Alderman of the Ward, ordered, that a posting be put up on the Exchange for holding a C. D. H. on 8 Oct. to choose one. Ordered, that .£6 2s. 5d. to Mr. Mayor for sundry articles. Whereas Will Busteed, Esq., hath informed this Board that several merchants have refused to pay him several of the water dues, ordered, that the Clerk of the Council do prepare a case, and lay same before the Recorder for advice how to sue in the speediest manner for said dues. That WilHam Baker, Esq., of Lismakew, in Co. Tipperary, Esq., nephew io Mr. Mayor, be admitted free. lt.. that .£94: ls. 9d. be paid Timothy Hughes for iron work ; It., £31 0& '11d. to James Morrison for timber. That Benjamin lloy~ Esq., Council-at-Law, at the request of Mr. Recorder, be admitted free.. It., .£83 8s. to Henry W rixon, Esq., on his promissory note, to enable the overseers appointed by the Grand jury at the last assizes for repairing Q Giaunamought Bridge to proceed on said repairs, as it is apprehended that by delay the publiC would considerably suffer and the expenses increased. 107-2
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