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" Dr. Sir,-We, the 1\Iayor, &c., return you our sincere thanks for many services done by you for this City, &c. We beg you to present the letter of thanks to the Lord-Limtt. for the present 1\Iagn.zine, &c. We intend the same, if you approve thereof, for a guard-house for the 1\Iain Guard (tho present one being in a very inconvenient place), for an officer's room, and keeping the 1\!ilitia arms of this City, &c." Your humble servants, &c. It., that £200 be taken at interest from the North Infir1nary, at 5 per cent. Present--1\Ir. 1\!ayor, Sher. Dousfield and Kellett; Al1len. Newman, l 1 arkcr, Owgan, 'Vcstropp, Smith, Philpott, Rury, Wetherall, Franklin, .J. Smith, 1\Iaylor, l\Ir. Browne and Lawton, C. S. 29 ltla1·clt, 1770. That the Rt. Hon. Rich d. Cl,-..yton, Esq., Lo. C. J. C. P., and J u~tice of Assize; also the lion. Will. Henn, Esq., one of the Justices of II. M. C. ](. B., and Justice of Assize, be presented with their freedoms in Silvcr uoxes. Present-1\fr. Mayor, Sher. Kellett; Alden. Parker, Owgan, Philpott, Swete, Bury, Franklin, J. Smith, J. 'Vrixon, and 1\:lr. Browne. 4 May, 1770. No business for want of a sufficient number. - Wm. Snowe, Clk. of Council Present--Mr. 1\Iayor, Sher. Kellett; Alden. Owgan, Millerd, Smith, Bury, Franklin, Wrixon, J. Smith, Phillips, and Mr. Browne. 15 May, 1770. Ordered, that 1\fr. Sober Kent be appointed Overseer of Public W or~s of this City, at a salary of £20. It., 12s. to 'Villiam Wl1iting, upholsterer; It., £15 78. 10d. to Mr. Rey- nolds, sih·ersmith, for four Silver boxes, and mending the Mace; It., £2 19s. 2d. to l\Iary Bussy, for candles ; It., £35 68. 4d. to Mr. Nichola.CJ Wrixon, his bill of costs; It., £1 168. 9d. to John Delahoide, tyler, his account; It., £11 138. 11id. to Roger O~tlden, ma.'3on; It., £ .3 38. to the . widow of the late Ebenezer Sargent, his account.
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