It., £44 6s. 7d. to Sampson Towgood French and Hugh Lawton, EsCJ., former Shm·iffs of this City, costs they were put to by a vexatious complaint made against them in the Court of K. B. by one Richard Dawson, and from which they were discharged by the Court; It., £31 9s. 7!d. to Sober J{eut ·and Richard Lloyd, late Sheriffs, costs they were put to by a com- plaint made against them in the K. B., and from which they were dis- charged ; It., £33 Gs. 9!d. to Richd. Burt~ glazier, in full, for work at ::Mayoralty House; It., £12 to Rol}. Heron, cooper, for 15 coal barrels; Lt., £1 4s. 2id. to Wm. Flyn, for printing and guilding the complimentary cards for the day the Lo.-Lieut. dined with the Corporation; It., £3 5s. to John Busteed, for printing the Assize of bread, fr01n 5 Nov., 1768, to 5 Nov., 1769; It., £3 17s. 4d. to Francis Wjse, for plastring nair suppticd 1 for Mayoralty house; It., 6 guineas to the Coroners, half a year's allowance ; It., 1 guinea a month to G.eo. Fuller, who is indigent; It., that the Cor- poration Bond for 15(} guineas be passed to the Trustees for carrying out the Act for Supplying the City with. Water,_being their third subscrip.. tion. That Abraham Clarke, clothier, naving served Francis Allen, ao.; Jot1n Lane, gent., eldest son of Anthony Lane, Esq., dec., and Richard n·uns-- combe, gent., be admitted freemen at large. Ordered, that the following letter of thanks be sent to the Lard-Lieut.,. to wit: " To His Excellency, &c. "We, the Mayor, &c., beg Ieave to return your Excellency·our· most ·grateful thanks for your friendship and attention to the welfare of this City of Cm·ke, in ordering the removal of the Magazine which is in the centre of our City, and which has been a constant terror to aU its in- habitants, to a place of safety,, and also giving up the magazine to such public use by the Corporation as shall be approved of by our wo:rthy repre- sentative, the Rt. Hon. the Prime Sargeant, &c.,.and shall always b~ glad to. convince your Excellency how much we are your faithful and obliged servants, &c." It., that the following letter be written to. the Rt. Hen. the rrime Sargeant:
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