Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



be appointed to go to D~blin to solicit said memorials, and that letters be written to the several Members of Parliament that are free of this City, and signed by the Mayor, praying their support. It., that one guinea a day be paid Ald. Millerd for his expenses going to Dublin to solicit the application for money, and also the expenses of the hire of a Post-chaise to and from Dublin. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sh~r. Bousfield and Kellet; Alden. Newman, Owgan, ~1illerd, Westropp, Busteed, Philpott, Bury, Wetherall, J. Smith, Wrixon, Franklin; Mr. Browne and Lawton, C. S. 3 Nov., 1769. This day the Memorials with regard to Goulnaspurra were read and signed, and Ald. Millerd desired to wait on our Members in Parliament to have same presented. ·That the Rt. Hon. Sir George 1\facartney, Bart., Principal Sect. to Lo.-Lieut., ~ be presented with his freeuom in a Silver Box. This day Ald. Busteed produced the Wate1·bailiffs's dues from 29 Sep., 1768, to 29 Sep., 1769, whereby it appears he received £131 18s. 10d. over and above all charges. That Wm. Stawell, Esq.; Hugh Massey, Esq., Knt. of the Shire for co. Limerick ; Phineas Bury, jun., having served his father, Ald. Bury; James Kearny, Esq., M.P. for Kinsale; Henry Sadler, clothier, having served Richd. Pope, do.; Wm. Kellett, Esq., brother of Mr. Sheriff Kellett, be admitted freemen at large. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Bousfield and Kellet; .Alden. Parker, Owgan, Westropp, Millerd, Busteed, Bury, Maylor, Franklin, Wrixon, and Mr. Browne. 15 ltov., 1769. No business for want of a sufficient number.-Wm. Snowe, Clk. of Council. Present--Mr. Mayor, Sher. Bousfield ; Aidea. Owgan, Westropp, Bus- teed, Bury, Franklin, and Mr. Browne.

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