restraining the Council from making freemen for a term or seven years, is hereby rescinded, said agreement being improvidently conceived, and tending to take away the powers vested in the Council by the bye-laws and ancient usage. That Edmond Hoare, Esq., M.P. for Carlow ; Thomas Eyre, Esq., M.P. ; ·William Hull, Esq., M.P. ; Moore Disney, Esq. ; Mathias Hendley, Esq. ; John Carleton, of Darling Hill, Esq.; Sampson Stawell, Esq.; James Bernard, Esq. ; Henry Puxley, Esq. ; Thomas Grant, Esq. ; Rob•. Tilson + Deane, Esq.; Joseph'Capel,-Esq. ; Henry Peard, Esq. ; Isaac Hewett, Esq.; Randal Roberts, of Britfieldstown, Esq.; Robt. Ball, Esq.; Richard Croker, Esq.; Michrel ~oqld, Esq... eldest son of Walter Goold, Esq., dec.; Robt. Bullen, Esq., be admitted freemen at large. Ordered, that the Chamberlain pay the widow of the late Recorder a quarter's salary due at his death. It., that .£14 Os. 7d. be paid Mr. Edmond Browning for newspapers and ,.\- 1 Votes of the House of Commons. Present--Mr. Mayor, Sher. French and Lawton ; Aid•. Owgan, Wee- tropp, Millerd, Busteed, Philpott, Wetherall, Franklin, Wrixon, Maylor, J. Smith; Mr. Browne, Denroch, J. Franklin, C. S., the Recorder as adviser of the Council 12 Bep., 1768. This day Will. Snowe, Esq., was elected Pub. Not., Clerk or the Crown and Peace for the City and Co. of the City of Corke, in the room of Anthony Lane, dec.; also Clerk of the Council vice Anth. Lane, dec. Ordered, that a C. D. H. be held 20 Sep. to elect a Town Clerk in the room of Anthony Lane, dec. It., a pension of .£20 a year be paid the widow of Anthony Lane, Esq., dec. That Savage French, jun., mer., having served Savage French, Esq., be admitted free. It., .£500 for the salary of the Mayor for the ensuing year. It., .£100 for contingencies for ensuing year. Present--Mr. Mayor, Sher. French and Lawton; Aid•. Westropp, Millcrd, Busteed, Mathias Smith, Hodder, Wetherall, FrankJ.!.n, J. Wrixon,
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