Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals


Millerd, Busteed, Philpott, Swete, J. Smith, Parks, Maylor, W etherall, Franklin ; Burgess Browne, Denroch, Connor, and the Recorder. 12. Aug., 1768. No business for want of a sufficient number.-Wm. Snowe, Dep. Clk. of Council. Present-Mr. .Mayor, Sher. French and Lawton ; Alden. Westropp, Millerd, Wrixon, Franklin, Parks ; Mr. Denroeh and Connor. 13 Aug., 1768. That the Rt. Hon. Earl of Barrymore and the Rt. Ron. Isaac Barre, Esq., Vice Treasr. of this kingdom, be presented with their freedoms in silver boxes; and John Baldwin, gent., eldest son of Ald. Baldwin, dec~; John Paul, cooper, eldest son .of John Paul, do., dec.; William Burton, Esq., eldest son of Rt. Hon. Benj. Burton, Esq., dec.; John Sealy, Esq., eldest son of ~am 1 • Sealy, Esq., dec.; Vesian Moses Pick, Mercht., haYing served Wm. Rickotts, mer. ; Thomas Harding, mer., having served Joseph Gray, mer.; Kyrle Ward, shipwright,ha'ring served William Evans, do.,· William Cuthbert, mer., having served John Cuthbel't, do.; Hugh Shewcraft, mer., having served Mark Draper, do.; Edmond Chapman, butcher, having served: Joshua Coe, do.; Thomas Shinkwin, mer., having- served Mr. Burgess Webb; Thomas Browne, cooper, having served William Lan~, dCJ. ; Pope Gray, mer., eldest son of Joseph Gray, mer.; William Coe, butcher, eldest son of Saml. Coe, do., dec. ; be admitted freemen at large. Present--Mr. Mayor, Sher. French and Lawton ; Alden. Newman, Wes- tropp, Millerd, Busteed, Swete 1 W etherall,. Franklin,_ Wrixon; Burg~ss Browne, Denroch, Connor, and Jones, C. S.. 7 Sep., 176& Ordered, that the Gateage Tolls (and other Tolls, &c.,) be set to public cant (same terms as before). It., that £60 per annum be the W aterbailift"s salary (duties; &c., as- beforP.). This day the Mayor Elect was sworn to keep the secrets of the Coun~, and Mr. John Franklin was sworn C. S. Resolvecl unanimously, that the agreement of the Council19 June, 1764,

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