Jonatllan Hutchinson, of Cork, mercht., eldest son of Jonathan H., mer., doo. ; George Newsom, mer., having served Christ. Carleton, be admitted freemen at large. Ordered, that 5 guineas be paid each of the Coroners for their trouble for six months. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. French o.nd Lawton ; A Idea. Newman, W es- tropp, Millerd, Busteed, Philpott, Swete, :Franklin, Wrixon, J. Smith, Owgan, Mr. Browne and Connor. 10 May, 176ft No business this day iD. Council.-Wm. Snowe, Dep. Clk. of Council. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. French and Lawton; Alden. Millerd, Frank- lin, Wrixon, J. Smith, Maylor, Philpott, Burgess Browne, Denroch, and Connor. 14 May, 1768~ Ordered, that Sam•. Maylor, Esq., be of the Committee (in the room of Robt.. Wrixon, Esq., dec.) to carry into execution the Act for Supplying the · City with W a~r, &c. It., that £68 148. be paid to :Richard Coldwell, cabinet-maker, for 66 mahogany and 24 oak chairs for the use of the Mayoralty House. It., £3 lOs. 5d. to Geo. Busteed, for printing-work. It., £100 to the overseers for building the Mayoralty House, in further prosecution of the work. The Committee for carrying into execution two Acts of Parliament for supplying the City with water have agreed with Mr. Nicholas Fitton, of this City, founder, for doing said work ; an agreement was drawn up Ly the Recorder, between the Mayor, &c., and Nicholas Fitton, which being read was agreed to. It., that the Chamberlain do cause the premises opposite the Com Mar- ket to be d.istrained for rent, &c., due to Bretridge's and Skiddy's Alms- houses;. Present--Yr. Mayor, Sher. French ; Alden. Owgan, Westropp, Millerd, Busteed, Franklin, Wrixon, J. Smith, Maylor, Mr. Browne and Denroch. 20 Jum, 1768. Ordered, that twenty-five one hundred-part shares of the profits arising from the reservoirs, canals, water-courses, pipes, and water to be made for 104-2
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