Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



4 Nov., 1767. Ordered, that a Memorial to Parliament, in the name of the Mayor, &c., for the better establishment of the inferior Corporations of this Kingdom, under proper regulations, anrl the enforcing the payment of a reasonable quarteridge, be prepared by the Town Clerk, to be by him transmitted to the Corporations of Dublin, Limerick, Waterford, and other corporations in this kingdom, intending to apply to Parliament for the same purpose. That £4 14s. 4!d. be paid Mr. Sober Kent and Mr. John Jones, expenses they were put to on account of their acting as Market Jurors in seizing some light bread. It., £1 Ss. 6!d. to Richard Evans, Exchange Porter, for brooms, &c. This day the Council licensed John Francis, mariner, to buy coals in the City for sale, to keep a coal yard and cellar, said Francis executing a bond, with security to the Mayor in a penalty of £200, that he will not be con- cerned in forestalling or regrating coals, or in any combination for raising the price. · Mr. John Travers, one of the Burgesses, is hereby appointed one of the Scavengers of this City, to have swept, &c., that part of the street beginning at the hither turu into Cove lane, and ending at the lane leading down to Mr. Morrison's new house; also from George's Street to Mr. Randal's house. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Lawton; Alden. Owgan, Westropp, Rusteed, Philpott, Wetherall, Maylor, Franklin, aud Mr. Jones, C. S. 10 Nov., 1767. No business for want of a sufficient number.-Wm. Snowe, Dep. Clk. of Council. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Lawton; Alden. Westropp, Philpott, Bury, J. Smith, Maylor, and Mr. Jones, C. S. 13 l{ov., 1767. Ordered, that £61 18s. be paid Wm. Reynolds, goldsmith, for one Gold box and six Silver boxes supplied; It., £8 2s. 10d. to James Cott, amount of the toll on 977 bags of wheat sold by the Corporation in the Com Market in 1766. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. French and Lawton ; Alden. Westropp, Bus- teed, Philpott, Bury, Franklin, J. Smith, and Mr. Jones, C. S.

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