Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals


Sargeant next assizes, and that Mr. Mayor do invite him and request he will fix a day. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. 'travers and Harding; A Iden. Newman, W es.- tropp, Millerd, Busteed, Franklin, J. Wrixon, J. Smith, Wrixon, Owc 0 ran, W etherall, and Mr. Jones, C. S. 16 Sep., 1767. No business for want of a sufficient number. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Harding; Alden. Owgan, Westropp, Busteed,. Philpott, Franklin, and Mr. Browne. James Chatterton, Esq., Mayor. 9 Oct., 1767. This day Mr. Mayor and the Sheriffs were sworn Common Council men. · Ordered, that .£235 17s.1d. be paid Messrs. James and Ebenezer Morrison, in part payment of their account for timber; It., .£9 2s. 9id. to Richard Burt, glazier, for work done. This day the late Mayor. and Sheriffs, Alden. Westropp, Franklin, J. Wrixon, Mr. J. Wrixon, late C. S., Mr~ S. Denroch, Mr. Kevan lzod, Mr. Godfrey Baker, Mr. Dan 1• Connor, Mr. Samt. Rowland, and Mr. Will. Willcocks, the committee for settling the Public accounts from 29 Sep., 1765, to 1766, report, that they have adjusted Mr. Francis Carleton's accounts, and that a ballance of .£179 148. 5jd. is due from the Corporation to Carleton. Ordered, that £3 Bs. 11~ be paid Richard Burt, glazier, for work done at Blackrock. That the Rt. Hon. Lord Blaney be presented with his freedom in a Silver box, and Eyre Massey, Esq., Lt.-Col 27 Reg. of foot, also in a Silver / box, as a testimony of the sense this board has of the many services by,. him done for his king and country in North America and the West Indies in the late war. Ordered, that £4 5s. be paid Mr. Christian Jacob Danckert, being a premium of 2 shillings a quarter on 95 Bags of Wheat _imported by him and sold to the bakers, in April last. It., .£9 6s. 5id. to Will Fachman, glazier, for work done. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. French and Lawton; Aid•. Newman, Owgan, Westropp, Millerd, Busteed, Philpott, Swete, Bury, Franklin, J. Smith,

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