Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



16 June, 1767. That vVilliam Jones, gent., having served Anthony Lane, Esq. ; Benjamin Sullivan, Esq., eldest son of Benjamin S., Esq., dec.; Benjamin Fish, mercht., ehlest son of Richard F., mer., dec.; Christopher Lawton, mer., having served Hugh Lawton, Esq.; John Franklin, mer., having served Stephen Denroch, do. ; Richard Courcey, cooper, having served Paul Baker, do., be admitted free. Ordered, that the overseers appointed at the last assizes to repair and enlarge Bachelor's Quay shall have liberty to take down the Watch house on the North Bridge in order to widen the passage from said quay to said bridge. That John Lawton, mer., shall have liberty to take in a slip from the channel to the quay on the North side of his premises on Lavit's Island, agreeable to a map now before the Council, Ald. Busteed to oversee the doing thereof. .That Ald. Owgan, Busteed, Franklin, and John W rixon be a committee to view that part of the South river adjoining the concern of Mr. John Dowman, brewer, and report, whether the part Dowman hath petitioned the Board to take will be prejudicial to the river or any of the adjacent pre- nnses. That £5 4s. be paid Thomas Dawson, master of the ship Thomas and Francis of Yarmouth, being the Corporation Bounty on 52 quarters of wheat by him imported and sold in this City ; It., £3 2s. 2!d. to Mr. James Gregg, attY., costs of the prosecution of John Godwin last assizes ; It., £4 to Mr. John Wood, one year's rent of the Guard House, Blackpool ; It., 2 guineas to Thos. Dyer, an ancient freeman, who is very infirm and past his labour; It., 5 guineas to each of the Coroners, a recompense for their trouble in exectiting their office for six months. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Harding; Alden. Jackson, Owgan, Westropp, Millerd, Wrixon, Philpott, Wetherall, J. Wri.xon, Busteed, and Mr. Browne. 24 June, 1767. 'Ve, the ~.fay or, &c., do appoint Mr. John Newsom and Mr. Abraham L<tne for the parish of S. Mary Shandon ; Mr. George Dowman and Mr. Robt. Stevelly for the parish of S. Peter's; Mr. John Mathews and Mr. Richd. Perry for the parish of S. Paul; ~fr. John Digby and Mr. John

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