Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals


hundred part share of said profits to be gr~nted for 990 years from 1 Juno, inst., to each freeman at large hereafter named, and his execrs., &c., to wit, Robert Wrixon, Esq.; "\Vill. Willcocks, mercht.; John Wrixon, Esq.; John Lapp, mercht., John Swete, Esq., Jaspar Lucas, mercht.; John Webb, mercht.; Danl. Perdrian, mer.; Peter Cambridge, mer.; Hugh Jameson, mer. ; Adam Newman, Esq. ; Andrew Franklin, Esq. ; Randall Westropp, Esq. ; Riggs Falkiner, Esq. ; George Randal, mer. ; Wm. Parks, Esq. ; Usher Philpott, Esq. ; Peter Cossart, mer. ; Richd. Roberts, mer.; Peter Ardouin, mer; Henry Harding, mer. ; Abraham Lane, clothier ; Stephen Denroch, mer.; Rev. Rob. Austen, elk.; Benj. Bousfield, mer.; Saml. Beale, mer.; Charles Denroch, mer. ; Danie~ mer. ; Thos. Fuller, mer. ; Richd. Pope, clothier; Henry W rixon, Esq. ; Paul Baker, cooper ; Hovell Farmer, Esq.; Ralph Westropp, Esq.; Ralph Uvedale, gent.; Edwd. Scott, clothier, Thos. Owgan, mer. ; Joseph Wetherall, Esq. ; George Piersy, mer. ; Stephen Mills, mer.; Paul Benson, mer.; Wm. Snowe, gent. ; wm. Verling, Esq.; Wm. Wagget, mer. ; Henry Moore, mer. ; Paul Piersy, mer. ; Francis Carleton, mer.; George Carleton; John Latham, mer.; wm. Lawton, mer.; Kevan Izod, mer.; Rich 4 • Tonson, Esq.; Hugh Lawton, Esq.; Godfrey Baker, mer.; John Dennis, mer.; Christ. Carleton, mer.; Walter Travers, Esq.; Bayly Rogers, Esq.; Walter_fitz S~ons, Esq. ; Hugh Carleton, Esq. ; Palms Westropp, mer.; S~ Maylor, E;q_:·;John Travers, mer.; John Thompson; Wm. Clarke, Jun., mer.; James Morrison, mer.; Humphry Crowly, clothier; Jeffrey Piersy, mer.; Michl. Wood, mer.; Henry Wrixon, of Blossomfort, Esq.; and Jonathan Tanner, Esq. That £13 19s. be paid Messrs. Lane, Benson, and Vaughan, being Cor- poration bounty on 139 quarters and half of wheat imported and sold in Cork. Present--Mr. Mayor, Sher. Harding; AideD. Westropp, Millerd, Busteed, Hodder, Philpott, Swete, Wetheral.l, Wrixon, and Mr. Browne. 10 June, 1767. No business for want of sufficient number.-Wm. Snowe, Dep. _Clk. of Council Present--Yr. Mayor, Sher. Travers and Harding; Alden. Jackson, Wes- tropp, Millerd, Wetherall, J. W rixon, J. Smith, and Mr. Browne. 103


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