Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



£26 2s. 6d. for enlarging the public passage under the North Gaol, ordered, that the sum be advanced for carrying out said work. That Ebenezer Sargent, City overseer, buy 100 barrels of coal That £19 6s. 9d. be paid :\lr. Browning for votes of the English and Irish house of Commons and News Papers. Present-llr. Mayor, Sher. Rowland; Aldell· W estropp, l\Iillerd, Busteed, Philpott, Bury, Wetherall, J. 'Yrixon; Burgess Browne and Denroch, and ~lr. J. 'Vrixon, C. S. 17 Sep., 1766. No business for want of a sufficient number.-'Vm. Snowe,-Dep. Clk. of Council. Present- Mr. lfayor, Sher. Rowland ; Alden. W estropp, lfillerd, Busteed, J. Wrixon, J. Smith, and lfr. S. Denroch. 19 Sep., 1766. Ordered, that eleven shillings be paid l'Ir. John l\Iinton, an arrear of Ministers' and hearth money due on said Minton's house. That £9 12s. be paid Robt. Heron, cooper, for twelve new coal barrels; It., £21 4s. 3d. to 1\Irs. llary Bussy, for candles. Ordered, that 1\Ir. Mayor, Sher. Rowland, Ald. Ne,nnan, Philpott, and !Ir. Browne be appointed to visit Skiddy's and Bretridge's Alms houses, and report their state and regulate any disorders. X That £33 13s. 9d. be paid Mr. Mayor, expenses of the entertainment at Elackrock Castle 1 Aug. last. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Rowland; Alden. Westropp, Wrixon, Philpott, Bury, J. Wrixon, Busteed, Jackson, Newman; .Mr. Browne, and Denroch. 26 Sep., 1766. That John Scott, Esq., Councillor-at-Law ; Thomas Carew, Esq., M.P. for Dungarvan; Francis Tydd, gent., brother-in-law to t'i1e .Mayor; and John Butler, Esq., be admitted free. Ordered, that £1 2s. be paid Richd. Evans, Exchange Porter, for Turf and Sand, &c. ; It., 2 guineas to Thos. Dyer, an ancient freeman, who is very infirm and past his labour ; It., £3 16s. 4d. to Mr. :Mayor, paid by him for painting the City arms on the flag erected at Blackrock; It., .£11 5s. to

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