Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



K B., directed to the Mayor, Sheriffs, &c., requiring them to admit said Radcliffe as a freeman, pursuant to a statute, 14 Chas. IL, for encouraging Protestant strangers to inhabit and plant in this kingdom, or show cause to t the contrary; and whereas we are advised that said Radcliffe is not intitled to such freedom within the meaning of the Act, and granting such would be of great injury to this Corporation; ordered, that the Law Agent prepare a proper return to said, and employ council for defending the suit. Ordered, that the several statutes at large, with indices and marginal notes, as lately published, be purchased by the Town Clerk for the use of the Corporation. Present--Mr. Mayor, Sher. Rowland; Alden. Jackson, Owgan, Westropp, \Yrixon, Busteed, Philpott, 'Yethe~ Franklin, John 'Yrixon, lli.Browne, and Denroche, C. S. 11 June, 1766. Whereas Mr. Sher. Rowland bas been threatbened with a prosecution in H. M. Court of Cbancery, by Benj 0 • Swete. Esq., for the Sheriffs refusing to give up to said Swete His Maj. Writ of injunction to the Sheriffs, com- manding them to put said Swete in peaceable possession of the South Fishery in part of the river Lee; ordered, that the Sheriffs' costs be paid out of the Corporation revenues. That £50 be paid to Henry Sheares, Esq., to be applied by him and the . other managers for the Red House Walk in repairing thereof. That Richard Lane, clothier, having served Abraham Lane, do., and Wil- liam Davenport, mercht., having served Peter Cambridge, do., be admitted free. Present- Mr. Mayor, Sher. Rowland; Aid•. Jackson, Owgan, Parker, Westropp, Millerd, Hodder, Swete, Bury, Wetberall, Franklin, John Wrixon, Travers, Burgess Browne, and Mr. C. Denroch, C. S. 13 June, 1766. Ordered, that £7 138. 4d. be paid Judith, widow of William White, dec., so much due on the first setting of the Fish Market dues, White having four months of said dues to come when same were set by cant.

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