Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



cleanse the Xorth Quay and Blarney Lane, beginning at the Shandon Guard and ending at the cross c1f Sunday's Well road, and also the entire lot of ground where the X onh :llilk :liarket stands, with the avenues branching from it, and up the live Cattle l!arket as far as the Rope Walk in the Granabrahir Road. 1\nereas the Rt. Ron. Rely Hutchinson, Esq., His Maj. Prime Sergt. at law, and one of the representati"f"es of Cork, hath proposed laying out £1500 next autumn in the purchase of wheat, oats, and oatmeal, to be put up in one or more granary in the City of Cork, to be sold for the poor at reasonable prices when provisions shall become dear in the City, and that same granary be continued till next Session of Parliament, to demonstrate the utility a Public Granary would be of, the Prime Sergeant proposes the said £1500 be raised by subscription, and that he will subscribe thereto £500; and that if any loss should arise on the £1500, the same should be made good out of his subscription. And whereas llr. Kevan Izod hath promised to under- take the care of said granary, ordered, that £200 be paid next autumn to said Izod, as the subscription of this Corporation towards said sum. That £16 lOs. 1!d. be paid Ebenezer Sargent, City Overseer, for sundry articles, &c., from 5 Feb., 1763, to 13 May, 1766. llr. John Harding having ~areed to leave his dispute with the Corpora- tion relative to the quayage taken by him in the Potatoe dock to Councel- lor Verling, who has given it as his opinion that Harding is entitled to said quayage, ordered, that no further obstruction be given said Harding in his receiving said quayage. Present-Yr. lfayor, Sher. Rowland; Alden. Jackson, Owgan, lfillerd, Wrixon, Busteed, Philpott, Swete, Ald. John Wrixon, Mr. Browne, and lir. C. S. 23 May, 1766. No business for want of sufficient numbers. - Anth. Lane, Clk. of Council · Present-lfr.liayor, Sher. Rowland; Aldu. Jackson, Westropp, Philpott, Swete, Owgan, and Millerd. 24 May, 1766. Whereas John Radcliffe, of the City of Cork, Cooper and Butter Mer- chant, hath lately served the llayor with a writ of m.andamUB out of the

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