That Christ. Ap.en, brewer, having served Francis Hodder, Esq., be admitted free. That £21 11s. 5id. be paid Roger Ouldin for mason's work done by him. That Richard Longfield, Esq., M.P. for Charleville, and Riehd. Townsend, Esq., Knight of the Shire for Co. Cork, be presented with their freedoms in . ) Silver boxes. That £9 18s. be paid Robt. Heron, cooper, for 12 coal barrels; It., £110s. to Mr. Mayor, so much expended by him in boat and horse hire, on the late search made by him for one of the murderers of Capt. Glass, his wife )( and daughter, and the captain of the ship. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Rowland and Willcocks; Alden. Jackson, Westropp, Wrixon, Busteed, Philpott, Swete, John Smith, Travers, and John Wrixon. 7 Jan., 1766. That £100 be paid to Adam Newman, Esq., George Piersy, Esq., Francis Gray, Esq., and :hfr. Thos. Strettel, to purchase and erect in this City a ~ statue of the Rt. Hon. Wm. Pitt, Esq. That a pension of £20 a year be paid Mrs. Alicia Winthrop, widow of Aid~ W., dec., during her widowhood. Present-lfr. Mayor, Sher. Rowland and Willcocks; Alden. Jackson, Newman, Westropp, Wrixon, B':lsteed, Philpott, Swete, Bury, Franklin, John Wrixon, John Smith, Wetherall, Travers; Mr. Browne, and Denroch, c. s. . 9 Jan., 1766. The unanimous thanks of this board are hereby given to the Rt. Hon. J. Hely Hutchinson, Esq., His Maj. Prime Sargeant-at-law, and one of the representatives of this City, for his care and attention to the trade and interest of this City. That an application be made to Parliament this Session to amend the late Lamp Act, Water Act, Parapet Wall Act, and Act for raising public money, and that Mr. Snowe attend in Dublin and employ proper council, &c., to draw said amendments. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Rowland; Alden. Newman, W estropp, W rixon,
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