Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



That £20 be paid Mr. Mayor for an entertainment at Blackrock, on 1 Aug. That the Council Chamher be painted, and that l\fr. l\fayor, Sher. "\Vrixon and Butler oversee same. That the necessary house and dirt hole of Skiddy's and Bretridge's Alms- houses be repaired, and that Tievd. l\lich. Tisdal oversee same. That the £250 left by Mr. Thresher for preaching an occasional Sermon, __.... which was lent to ~Ir. John Gan-at, and lately paid, be lent at interest, £200 to Henry Mannix, ,Jun., and £50 to Henry l\Iannix, Esq., giving security to the Mayor, &c.; It., £25 lGs. 5d. to l\Irs. Mary llussy, for candles for the Guard-houses, from 17 June, 1763, to 31 :?.fay last, in- clusive; It., 5 guineas to l\Iary, widow of James Daniels, dec., many years one of the Sergeants at l\Iace, being in great distress, and having a large charge of children. That the dispute between the Corporation and Mr. John Harding, relative to quayage taken by Harding in the Pota.toe dock be referred to two law- yers, and in case of disagreement to an umpire lawyer. That George, eldest son of Ald. Hodder, be admitted free. Present--1\fr. l\fayor, Sher. Butler; Ald 80 • Jackson, Parker, 'Vestropp, Wrixon, Busteed, Swete, Bury, Wetherall, Franklin, l)hilpott, and lfr. Den- roche, C. S. 10 .A U[J., 1765. That £18 lOs. 4d. be paid Mr. Edmond Browning, for one year's News- papers and Votes of the House of Commons of England ; It., That a further sum of £40 be paid for building at Blackrock; It., 18s. ld. to Mr. Mayor, so much paid the soldiers that were sent to suppress a riot at Blackpool. That Ebenezer Sargent, City Overseer, buy 100 barrels of coal. "Reed. out of the Chest the patent for fairs at the Lough; The fee farm grant of the Lough from the Corporation to Mr. Wm. Masters, by lease and release, and the fee farm regrant of the same from said Masters to the Cor- poration by lease and release."-Wm. Snowe. Present--Mr. Mayor, Sher. Wrixon and Butler; Alden. Jackson, Owgan, Westropp, Wrixon, Philpott, Bury, Wetherall, Franklin, Wrixon, and ~· Denroch, C. S.

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