That a letter be WTitten to the Sec. of their Excell. the Lords cTustices, setting forth the dearness of Corn, 1\Ieal, and Potatoes in this City, owing ) to exportation to foreign parts, and praying that a stop may be put to it. That a further sum of £40 be paid the Committee for the building nt Black rock. Present-1\Ir. 1\fayor, ~her. \Vrixon and Butler; Alden. cTackson, Owgn.n, \Vestropp, \Vrixou, Bustecd, Philpott, Swcte, Bury, \Vctherall, clohn Wrixou, ~Ir. Bagwell, C. S. need. out of the chest counterpart of .Ahl. John Ilawkins and Tho. Hcly's leases.-\V'u. Snowe. 4 j/cty, 1765. That in future the Stalls in the English and Irish l\Icat Shambles be set by public cant, the leases to be exccute(l in open C. D. 11., signed uy the Mayor, &c., anJ to have the City seal affixed. That the \Vateruailifls of this City do not pass any ships or goO<ls free fron1 the \Vater-dues of this Corporation, as the property of },reemen of this City, unless the },rcemen owning the same, or having the same con- signed to them on commission, send the W aterbailin: or his Deputy, free notes for the same, as is done in the collection of the Gateage duty. That a ~--ner, 8 or 9 feet wide, be huilt on the North side, and also on the South side, of the piece of ground lately taken by the Corporation from Henry Langford Browne, Esq., to be converted into a root or such other market as may be of use to the l'uLlic, and that Ald. Swete and llury be a committee to carry out same. It has been reportP.d to this board that there is a defect in the Act made for supplying this City with water, for that no security is made thereby for the persons that shall advance their money in doing said work, to entitle them to the profits that may arise from the 1noney to be paid by the inhabitants of this City, who shall contract to have their houses supplied with water; ordered, that an application be made to l'arliament at the next Ressions for an amendment of said Act, and that Ald. W estropp and Wrixon be a committee to consider same. That Ald. Franklin, Sher. Wrixon and Butler be a committee to get maps drawn of the Lough and Old Market place.
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