Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals


Allen, do.; and John Wrixon, mercht., eldest son of Ald. Robt. 'Vrixon, be admitted free. That £1 17s. 9rl. be paid Thomas Cochran, cabinet maker, for six oak chairs and an oak table for Main Guard room; It., £4 19s. 6d. to "\Vm. J~ogers, brazier, for scales and weights; It., £17 for as many inquests from 11 Sep. last; It., a ballance of £138 16s. 7!d. remains due to Norton Parr, for erecting lamps over and above the sum of £800 already paid, which was borrowed from Ald. Hodder; It., £14 14s. 7d. to Messrs. Phineas and George Bagnell, for printing and stationary to 31 Oct. That Mr. Peter Cossart shall have liberty to enlarge his quay in the Draw brjdge dock in a straight line with the Quay of Francis Carleton, Esq. That Francis Carleton, Esq., Hugh Lawton, Esq., and Mr. Peter Cossart have liberty to fill up 18 feet of the upper end of the Dock that runs be- tween their concerns to the street leading to Paul's street. That Mr. Mayor, Sher. Wrixon and Butler, Ald. Westropp, Robt. Wrixon, Philpot and Bury be a committee to state the Chamberlain's accounts. That £6 be paid Mr. John Wood for one year and a half's rent of the Guard-house at Blackpool. That Mr. Sher. Wrixon and Butler, Mr. Bu-rgess Izod and Baker, and Mr. John Lapp be added to the Committee for building the Mayoralty House on Haman's Marsh. That each of the Sheriffs for the future be paid 50 guineas for his trouble, &c. That the stall in the English Shambles, No. 16, be set by public cant. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Wrixon and Butler; Alden. Newman, Owgan, Westropp, Wrixon, Philpott, Bury, Franklin, Swete, Crone, John Wrixon, and Mr. Bagwell, C. S. 29 April, 1765. That Stalls Nos. 10 and 30 in the English Shambles be set by public cant on the Exchange to the highest bidder, being a Protestant butcher, for one year. That £14 2s. 9~d. be paid Mrs. Esther Holmes for cloathing for the Bellmen and 'Change Porter; It., £46 16s. 8d. to Mr. Wm. Reynolds, for goldsmith and silversmith's work done by him from 1 Oct. to 16 March last.

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