'Vhereas Edwd. Chamberlain, butcher, owes the Corporation £~{2 1.Js. on account of rent of the South ~feat Shambles and standings outshle South Gate, and it appearing that said Chamberlain is very poor, or<lered, he be forgiven. Present-1\fr.l\layor, Shcr. Rowland and Coles; Alden. Owgnn, 'VP.stropp, Crone, Busteed, J>hilpott, Bury, Frauklin, 'Vrixon, an<l 1\Ir. Bagwell, C. S. 26 Sep., 1764. Ordered, that Francis Carleton, Esq., be allowed £;)0 a year for his trouble as Chamberlain; It., £15 to the Coroners for 15 iru1uests from 7 May to 11 Sep. last. That Barth. Coote Purdon, Esq., son-in-law to 1\Ir. Sheriff elect Wrixon, be adznitted a freeman at large. Present-Mr. ~fayor, Sher. Rowland and Coles; Alden. Jackson, Owgan, Westropp, Millerd, Crone, 'Vrixon, llusteed, I>hilpott, Swcte, Bury, Wethe- ral, Franklin, John W rixon, and Mr. Bagwell, C. S.
5 Nov., 1764. Boyle Travers, Esq., Mayor.
This day Mr. Mayor and Sheriffs were sworn Common Council Men. This day William Busteed, Esq., Waterbailiff, produced his account of dues received from 29 Sep, 176:1, to 29 Sep., 1764, by which it appeareth he paid in to the Chamberlain £160 12s. 9d. over and above his salary and expenses. That 10 guineas be paid Kean Mahony for his trouble in canting the Corporation revenues. Present-1.Ir. 1\Iayor, Sher. Wrixon and Butler; Alden. Newman, Owgan, Westropp, Crone, Wrixon, Busteed, Swete, Bury, Franklin, John ·wrixon, and Philpott. 14 Nov., 1764. Ordered, that Mr. Mayor sign a receipt for .£120, English money, due from the Vintners' Company of London for five years' annuity due to Skiddy's Alms house ending 29 Sep. last, the Mayor to give the receipt to Francis Carleton, Esq., agent for said alms house. This day the Council licenced Thomas Osburne, during his good be- 99
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