Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



31 ..dug., 1764. That the Gateage Tolls (except Turf, Furz, &c.,) Fish, Corn, North and South Milk Market dues, Petty customs of the North Shambles, standings outside South Gate, petty customs of the root, potatoe, foul, egg, butter, frize, and handle cloth Markets be set by public cant for one year on 30 Sep. That £11 5s. . be paid Mr. Sher. Rowland, costs of the Sheriffs in the Court of C. P., in support of the attachments that issue out of the Tholsel Court; It., £7 6s. 3id. to Phineas and George Bagnell, for printing work from 12 Jan. to 25 Aug., 1763. Whereas Ald. Wm. Harding, dec., took the Gateage Tolls of this City for one year for a rent of £1460, and it appears he received no more than £1368 1s. 8d. over and above servants' wages, ordered, the Executors be forgiven £91 18s. 4d. That Domk. Sarsfield, Richd. .Meade, Henry Mannix, Jun., and Hugh Carleton, Esq., Councilrs.-at-Law, be admitted freemen at large. Present--Mr. Mayor, Sher. Rowland; Alden. Owgan, Westropp, Millerd, Crone, Wrixon, Philpott, Bury, Wetherall, and John Wrixon. 8 Sep., 1764. No business for want of sufficient numbers.-Wm. Snowe, Dep. Clk. of Council. Present--Mr. Mayor, Sher. Rowland; Alden. Owgan, Westropp, Crone, W rixon, Busteed, Bury, and W etherall. 19 Sep., 1764. Ordered, that a salary of £60 be paid the Waterbailiff for one year, to receive the Mayor's dues, Corporation do., and quarterly pay the Chamber- lain, deducting expenses for deputys, &c. ; It., £17 68. 3d. to Mr. Wm. Reynolds, silversmith, for work done ; It., £19 1s. 7 d. to Henry Rugge, Vintner, expenses of the Entertainment at Blackrock Castle 1 Aug.; It., £7 188. 8d. to Mr. James Chatterton, attY., lawyer's fees, and attending the Justices of the Peace on several prosecutions against journeymen tradesmen of this City for combinations; It., 2 guineas to Arthur Warner and James Walsh, Sheriffs' bailiffs, for their trouble in apprehending several journey- men tradesmen of this City who were guilty of combinations.

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