That 100 Barrels of coal be bought for the use of the Corporation. That £37 6s. 9d. be paid ~Ir. Bickford Heard, attY., costs for defending the validity of the attachments of this City in the Court of C. P. Revd. Thos. Browne, Clk., eldest sou of ~Ir. Burgess Drowne, and grand- son of Ald. Jackson, at the particular request of Ald. Jackson, and Thomas Butler, Esq., freemen at large. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Tiowland; Alden. Jackson, Ne,~nan, Westropp, Crone, Wrixon, Busteed, Hodder, Philpott, Sweie, Bury, 'Vetherall, }""'rauklin, and 1\fr. Bagwell, C. S. 15 A U[J., 1764. This day l!r. ~fayor Elect, Alden. 'Vestropp, Wrixon, Philpott, Mr. lzod, Baker, and Cossart were appointed to settle the public accounts froru 29 Sep., 1761, to 29 Sep., 1762; they report a balance of £247 lOs. 3d. due to 'the Corporation from ~Ir. F. Carleton, Chamberlain. This day ~Ir. l\Iayor Elect, :Mr. Sher. Uowla.nd, Ald. Westropp, Wrixon, Philpott, Bury, 1\fr. Izod and Scott were appointed to settle the public accounts from 29 Scp., 1762, to 29 Sep., 17()3; they report a balance of £155 38. 1 ~d. due from said Carleton to the Corporation. That £25 198. 2i<l. he paid Andrew Coleman, tyler; It., that Robert Wrixon be forgiven his bond for £18 158., as he is a very poor man, and has nothing to subsist on but a pension of 7 pounds a year, as an old soldier ; It., two guineas to each of the two constables, one guinea to the corporal, and half a guinea to each of the soldiers, for their good behaviour in con- ducting in July last to the prison a notorious rioter, when they were attacked by a most riotous mob; It., £17 138. 7 ~d. to Mr. Mayor, so much ... ~ paid by him for English and Irish newspapers and votes of the House of Commons; It., £40 pounds for building a small kitchen and stable at Blackrock, and that 1\lr. ~Iayor awl Ald. llusteed oversee the work; It., £30 to 1\!r. James Chatterton, one of the Burgesses ; It., two guineas to M01·tho Connor for summoning several committees and the applotters of ~ public money for two years past. That Nicholas Ly~aght, Esq., son-in-law to Mr. Sher. Elect Wrixon, be admitted a freeman at large. Present-lir. Mayor, Sher. Rowland ; Alden. Parker, Owgan, W estropp, Winthrop, Crone, Wrixon, Busteed, Philpott, Bury, Franklin, and Wrixon.
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