.That the arms in the Armory, for.which no bonds were pass~d, be re- turned to His Maj. Storekeeper of the City of Corke. Benj. Winthrop, mercht., having served Ald. Winthrop, a freeman at large. Present--Mr. 1\Iayor, Sher. Rowland; Ald 80 • Jackson, Owgan, Westropp, Crone, Busteed, Philpott, Bury, Franklin, John Wrixon, Winthrop, and Mr. Scott, C. S. 23 May, 1764. That the Rt. Hon. Will, Earl of Shelburn, and the Tit. Hon. Will., Earl of Dunmore, be presented with their freedom, in Silver boxes. -\- John, only son of Rich d. Newenham, clothier, a freeman at largo. That the Chamberlain cause all rent and arrears due to the Corporation • Jackson, Owgan, W estropp, Winthrop, Crone, Busteed, Hodder, Swete, John Wrixon, Franklin, and Mr. Scott, C. S. 19 June, 1764. to be sued for at law, and also for the future. Present--Mr. Mayor, Sher. Coles; Ald 80 Whereas a motion depends in the C. C. I>leas touching tho validity of the attachments that issue forth of the Tholsell Court of this City, ordered, that the Prime Sargeant, Anthony Malone, Esq., the AttY.-General, and John Fitz-Gibbon, Esq. (with others already engaged) be employed to support the validity of said attachments. Agreed, that for seven years no persons be admitted freemen at large as Esqrs. only, who have no claim by Birth-Right or Servitude, without being referred to C. D. H., except Lords, Judges, Com. of H. M. Revenue, M.P.'s, Generals, Admirals, and Captains of Men-of-war, or persons equal in rank. Ordered, that Abraham Devonshire, Esq., Christopher Carleton, Esq., Riggs Falkiner, Esq., Robert Gordon, Esq., and Mr. Stephen Mills have liberty to build a Bridge at their own expense from the Corporation Slip on the Sand Quay, across the channel to the island belonging to said Gentlemen, provided they leave therein an arch sufficient for a large lighter to pass through, and they make a slip near said Bridge on the Sand Quay convenient for the public to take water. It is agreed, that it will be of use to the Corporation to agree by the year with a tyler and carpenter for the repairs of the Com Market, City Meat
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