That a lease of the vacant piece of ground adjoining the Potatoe quay, belonging to Henry Langford Browne, Esq., be taken by the Mayor, &c., to erect a market, or for other purposes, same to be taken for the longest term said Browne can set, at a yearly rent of £18. Present-Mr. Mayor, Mr. 1\'Iayor Elect, Sher. Travers; Alden. Owgan, W estropp, Crone, Busteed, Philpott, Franklin, and Scott, C. S. 14 Oct., 1763. John Smith, Esq., Mayor. No business for want of sufficient numbers.-Wm. Snowe, Dep. Clk. of Council. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Rowland and Coles; Alden. Jackson, Wes- tropp, Winthrop, Crone, Busteed, Bury, Franklin, and Scott, C. S. 19 Oct., 1763. This day Francis Rowland and Wm. Coles, Esqrs., took the oath of Com- mon Council men. That His Excell. Hugh, Earl of Northumberland, Lo.-Lieut. of this Kingdom, be presented with his freedom in a Gold box. That the Revd. Charles Dodgson, first Chaplain to his Excellency, be pre- sented with his freedom in a Silver box. This day Will. Busteed, Esq., Waterbailiff, produced his account of Waterdues from 29 Sep., 1762, to 29 Sep., 1763, with his affidavit at foot, by which it appears he paid the Chamberlain £137 7s. 10d. over his salary and expenses. That Peter Guitton, mercht., having served Mess. Maturin and Peter Ardowin, merchts., be admitted free. That .£18 2s. 6d. be paid the late Mayor, for 100 barrels of coal; It., £1 16s. 6~d. to Richd. Evans, Exchange porter, for brooms, &c.; It., £19 17s. 1!d. to Richd. Burt, for plumbing; It., .£41 4s. 5d. to Mr. Nicho- las Wrixon, for law business. That the Agent for this Corporation employ Councrs. Bennett and Vir- ling to draw up the heads of an Act of Parliament, for the use of this City, as the enlightening thereof with lamps, to peruse the laws made for
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