Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



paid a Collier and Labourers for searching for a coal mine on tho lands of \ Droumcumer belonging to the Corporation. That Mr. John Harding, mercht., and his assistants bo empowered to carry away all dung left in the l)ublic streets and lanes from Newgate to Hill~ grove's house, North Suburbs. Whereas the passage from ~fallow Lane to the North Bridge cnllod Goulnasplll!~_gh is so narrow that passengers, horses and carriages can ( sc~yp~ss and repass on ~Iarket days, anll a great part of the cattle and butter brought into this City for exportation pass through said passage, and as there are several small shops and houses on the South East side of said passage from the North East end of said Dridge to the west corner of the front of Mr. Browne's house, which, if taken down, would so enlarge said pa."sage as to make it fit for the trade of this City, which yields a very large revenue to his Majesty, and as the funds of the Corporation are not sufficient (with the annual expense attending same) to purchase said houses and shops, ordered, that a ~Iemorial be prepared to the House of Commons praying the aid of Parliament to purchase same in order to enlarge said passage for the convernency of the public. That .£5 be paid Tho. Dyer, glazier, an infirm and reduced freeman. That Richd. Beazly, who hath taken the tolls of the Com Market, be allowed out of his last quarter's rent, .£11, which one Felix Carthy bid over said Beazly for said tolls, and then declared ho bid same for Beazly, although Beazly gave him no such directions. That Nicholas Wrixon, gent., Corporation Agent in Dublin, be admitted free at large. Present--Mr. Mayor, Sher. Travers; Ald 80 • Owgan, W estropp, Crono, W etherall, and Scott, C. S. 20 Sep., 1763. No business for want of sufficient numbers.-Wm. Snowe, Dep. Clk. of Council. Present--~fr. Mayor, Sher. Travers; Alden. Owgan, Westropp, Crone, Busteed, Hodder, Bury, 'Vetherall, and Franklin

24 Sep., 1763. This day the Mayor Elect took the oath of a Common Council man.

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