Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals


prepared to the House of Commons in: the name ·of·the Mayor, &c., to oppose same, and that the agent, at the expense of the City, fee proper lawyers to draw up said Memorial to be transmitted to our members to oppose samo, and the several members of Parliament that are Freemen of same, for their interest against the application. That the Gateage tolls (except Turf, Furze, &c.), the Fish and Corn Market dues, North and South Milk Market, do., be set to cant 5 Sep. next, and that in setting the Gateage tolls the North and South Watch houses be excluded. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Travers and Lane ; Alden. Jackson, Owgan, Westropp, Crone, Wrixon, Busteed, llodder, l'hilpott, Bury, Wetherall, Franklin, Newman, and 1\lr. Scott, C. S. "We whose names are underwritten, do dissent from the order of Council of this day, in relation to the building of a bridge over the river Lee, near the Custom house, for the following reasons : "First, as we are convinced the number of ~habitants of this City are so prodigiously increased of late years, that ft is with danger of their lives they can pass and repass the present North Bridge, the avenues to it, down Mallow lane in particular, being so extremely dangerous. and difficult, and so narrow that carriages and foot passengers are frequently obstructed, and people put in danger of their lives. "Secondly, as it is a notorious fact that the more communications any trading city has with the neighbouring country, the more rich and populous it must grow by .the easy intercourse of the country; and as the Butter trade is of the utmost consequence to this City and Country, and is at present greatly obstructed by the passages aforesaid, for want of a second Bridge, we are of opinion, that if a second bridge was built near the Custom House, with lifting Bridges at each end, it would make a safe and easy passage for the Butter, Beef, and all other commodities which principally come from the North side of the country to that part of the City where the greatest number of the principal merchants live, in a straight line from Blackpool to the Bridge, without coming through Mallow Lane aforesaid. Dated August 5, 1763. Adm. Newman, Phin•. Bury." 9 .Aug., 1763. No business for want of sufficient numbers.-Wm. Snowe, Dep. Clk. of Council

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