for the annual sum of £11, giving a bond for same, and further, that he expects 7 pounds every Saturday for the payment of his workmen whilst the new pavement is going on, which proposal is agreed to; It., £40 12s. 9!d. be paid Robt. Hoare, Esq., lawyer's fees, &c. That Wm. Chad\vick, gent., only son of Rodolphus Chadwick, mercht., dec., be admitted a freeman at large. That 10 gUineas be paid Ald. Owgan for lodgings for the Judges that came down to try the Levellers; It., 11s. 4!d. to Richard Evans, the Ex- change porter, for summoning the Commissioners of Array and the officers of the horse and foot Militia of this City, on business relative to the arraying of the Militia; It., £2 14s. to the ringers of the bells of St. Mary Shandon , J for ringing on the Queen's birth day, the reduction of Martinico, and the "'· Victory obtained by Prince Ferdinand over the French at Grabeusteir. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Fitton and Morrison ; Ald 811 • Jackson, Owgan, Crone, Busteed, Harding, Bury, Swete, Wrixon, Winthrop, and Mr. Will- cocks, C. S. 3 Aug., 1762. No business for want of a sufficient nu.mber.-Wm. Snowe, Dep. Clk. of Council. Present- Mr. Mayor, Sher. Fitton and Morrison ; .Alden. Jackson, Owgan, Crone, Wrixon, Busteed, Harding, Philpott, Bury, and Mr. Willcocks, C. S. 6 .Aug., 1762. This day the Mayor Elect was sworn to keep the secrets of the Council Whereas some clamours have arisen by several freemen demanding from the Council the freedom to be granted to their eldest sons as a matter of right, and as it has been the constant custom of this Council not to grant such during the life time of their father as a matter of right, but sometimes as a matter offavour, ordered, that the clerk of the Council take the opinion of the Recorder in writing, whether they are entitled thereto. Ordered, that liberty be granted to Abra. Devonshire, Riggs Falkiner, Rob'. Gordon, and Christ. Carleton, Esqrs., and Stephen Mills, merch'., to take in from the North side of the river Lee, and to fill same 210 feet in length, extending from the dock next to French's quay Eastward to the quay of the small house on the dock yard and to range in a straight line uo-2
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