Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals


power. Ordered, that Mr. Hoare prepare a memorial in the name of the l-Iayor, &c., to his Excellency the Lord-Lieut., complaining of said proceed- ing, and praying immediate redress. Ordered, that Godfrey Lill, Esq., one of his Maj. Council at Law, and M.P. for Fore, being sent down to this City by Government, be presented with his freedom in a Silver box. That .£12 4s. 8d. be paid Richd. Burt for plumbing. Present--Mr. Mayor, Sher. Morrison ; Ald 80 • Jackson, Bradshaw, Millerd, Crone, Wrixon, Busteed, Hodder, Reily, Harding, Philpott, Swete, Wetbe- rall, Parker, and Mr. Clarke C. S. 10 May, 1762. In reply to the above memorial, Mr. Mayor received a letter from Thos. Waite, Esq., Sect. to Lords Justices, in words following : "Dublin Castle, 3 May, 1762. Sir,-1 am commanded by the Lords Justices to acquaint you that your Memorial concerning the Guard in Cove Street was this day laid before their Excellencies, and that they have by this post sent orders to Col Molesworth forthwith to comply with your request in this, and in all other instances of the like nature. I am, Sir, your most obedt., humble Servt. " To the Mayor of Corke. "Tuos. WAITE." And whereas Mr. Mayor, on receipt, wrote to Lieut.-Gov. Molesworth in words following : " Cork, May 7, 1762. Sir,-As I conceive it necessary for the preser- vation of his Maj. peace that a guard should be kept at Cove Street, a place remote from any of the present guards, and situated near two public -1- Mass-houses, I desire that a guard of one Corporal and six soldiers be imme• ~· ---'~ .... diately mounted there, and continued so long as I shall think the same requisite, a Guard Room being already provided for that purpose. I am, Sir, your most obedt., humble Servant, "ANDREW FRANKLIN, Mayor. " To Lieut.-Gov. Molesworth, Com. Off. of the Gar. at Corke."

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