Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals


the meetings of the several parishes to be determined by lot, of which the 1\fayor will give notice by posting on the Exchange. That Timothy Hughes, Armourer, do immediately make up in cartridges n. sufficient provision of powder and ball for all the arms now in the market- house, to wit, twenty-four rounds fur each. That in case of any sudden emergency, that the Protestant inhabitants do immediately repair to the lfarket !louse as a place of general rendezvotHJ• where arms are to be distributed to them ; the signal for their meeting to be the ringing of a single bell in each parish of this City. Ordered, that the Protestant merchants, shopkeepers, and others, who deal in gunpowder", do send to Mr. }!ayor a just account of all now in their possession, and that all Roman Ca!hoJic __ Jnerchan~s, &c., n1ake o. trno -+- return to 1\fr. 1\fayor of all guilpo~der in their possession, that the san1c be deposited in the stores ; the returns to be made by Thursday, 8 ins t. at 12 o'clock. That a Memorial, in the name of the 1\fayor, &c., be laid before the Lord Lieut., praying him that there are two regiments in this City now under orders for embarkation, and in case they embark the City would bo left destitute of a sufficient force to protect the public peace, unless other troops replace them; likewise praying his Excellency that the fire-arms now lying useless in Skiddy's Castle be given out to the Corporation, to be put in a proper condition for the usc of the Protestant inhabitants. That 1000 copies of the foregoing orders be printed, and one of each bo posted upon the Exchange, the North and South Gates, the Custmn IIouso Gates, &c., the remailling copies to be distributed amongst the inhabit- ants. Present--Mr. Mayor, Sher. Fitton and Morrison; Alden. Atkins, Wes- tropp, Millerd, Crone, Busteed, Reily, Harding, Philpott, lBury, Winthrop• 'V etherall, Swete, and Mr. Clark, C. S. -- That 100 guineas be paid the J..Iayor, &c., to be applied in buying up a number of cutlasses, to be distributed amongst such of the Protestant in- habitants of this City as are not already provided with arms of their own, for their defence in case of any hostile attack, and that each person receiv- ing a cutlass shall deposit with the Mayor a receipt to return same, or the value thereof, when called for.

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