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That a Salary of £20 a-year be paid Mr. Henry Delamain, organist of Christ Church ; It., £25 to l\Ir. Davis Ducart, Engineer, for l1is trouble in taking the level of the river Lee, and drawing several plans of water- works to supply this City with water; It., £15 3s. 9ld. to Mr. Isaac Bussy, for candles. 1 Ordered, that St. John Cooke, mercht., having served Mr. Christ. Carleton and Goodwin Purcell, mercht., having served Harmer lJelahoide, mercht., be admitted free at large of this City. Whereas it is apprehended a suit is intended to be brought against Mr. Mayor, for preventing the players from acting in this City, on account of their putting up bills without the Mayor's permission, ordered, that in such case the Mayor's costs be paid out of the Corporation revenues. • That a draft of the Bye-law now laid before the Council by Mr. Sher. Morrison be prepared by Counc. Verling and Wood, and perused by the Recorder. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Fitton and Morrison; Alden. Jackson, Wes- tropp, Wrixon, Busteed, Hodder, Reily, Harding, Philpott, Swete, Bury, Wetherall, Winthrop, and C. S. 11 Nov., 1761. That the gallery in Christ Church, late in the possession of Mr. John Chartres, dec., be purchased to enlarge the Corporation Gallery. That the Right Ron. Will Gerrard Hamilton, Esq.~ Seer. to his Excell. the Lord Lieut., be presented with his freedom in a Gold box. That William, eldest son of John Chartres, .gerlt.,· dec., be admitted a freeman at large. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Fitton and Morrison; Alden. Jackson, West- ropp, Crone, Busteed, Swete, Wetherall, Wrixon, Harding, Philpott, and Clark, C. S. 25 Nov., 1761. Ordered, that £11 be paid the Coroner for 11 inquests from 20 June to 29 Oct. last, inclusive; It., £20 to Ebenezer Sargent, City Overseer, for 80 barrels of Coals; It., £200 to Stephen Irwin, peruke maker, on his executing to the Mayor, &c., a conveyance of his estate and interest in the two houses at the North-east end of Tuckey's Lane; It., £30 to Joan Riordan, on her
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