Ordered, that .£31 11s. 8d. be paid Ald. Hodder, silversmith, for work done ; It., .£12 ls. 8d. to Ebenezer Sargent, City Overseer, for coals; It., .£11 Os. 11id. to Mary Harrison, for printing-work in the Mayoralty of Ald. Bury and Wetherall; It., .£1 ls. 3!cl. to Richd. Evans, Exchange Porter, for brooms, &c.; It., .£14 18s. 3d. to 1\Ir. wm. Bull, attorney, his bill of costs; It., .£4 to Mr. St. Laurence Bowden, for two years' lists of shipping. The Clerk of the Council to let Mr. Bowden know, not to furnish any further lists. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Fitton and Morrison ; Alden. Jackson, New- man, Westropp, Crone, Wrixon, Busteed, Smith, Hodder, Reily, Harding, Philpott, Swete, Bury, Wetherall, Parker, and Mr. Clark, C.. s. • 28 Oct., 1761. The committee appointed for considering what bye-laws are necessary for the Corporation of Cork, report, that the following laws will be useful, viz.: The Lamp Act, with the same clauses as are in the present Lamp Act for Dublin ; An Act for the better applotting and collecting the public money; An Act to enable the Corporation and such freemen as they shall call in to make reservoirs and lay down pipes for supplying the inhabitants with water, with power to cut through grounds, making satisfaction ; A clause to take down two houses at the East end of Tuckey Street, paying the pro- prietor what a Jury shall value same at ; A clause to build a Stone Bridge from the quay opposite Princes Street to Lavit's Island, and a Stone Bridge from thence to the Red Abbey Marsh, with a drawbridge of wood in the centre to let vessels pass and repass; A clause to make coaches, chariots, post- chaises, chairs and sedans plying for hire in the City of Cork, to pay the same duties to the workhouse of this City as are paid to that of Dublin ; A clause that Straw shall be sold in the City by weight, the same to be made up in bundles of six pound avoirdupois under a penalty of 2s. 6d., and 2s. 6d. for having same wet with intent to defraud ; A clause to prevent combination a.IJlO;ng workmen ; A clause to prevent persons buying Coal in ......... ._..~- · · · .-...:: :- ·- the City in order to sell s~me again ; A clause for regulating the Harbour of Cork ; And that heads of a bill for said purpose be prepared in Cork, as it will be of great service ~ our representatives in Parliament. The Council agree to same, and order Mr. Hoare to employ Councillor Verling to draw the heads of said bill and lay it before the Recorder for perusal
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