Whereas an application was made this day to the Council for a salln.ry to be settled by the Corporation on an Organist for Christ Church, it is tho opinion of the Council that the expense of an Organist ought to bo paid by the parish, as the Corporation paid for the organ. That Mr. Thos. Roberts, brother-in-law to the Mayor; George Lee, Silver- smith, having served Ald. Hodder; Horatio, eldest son of John Ireland, ironmonger ;· Henry, eldest son of .wm. Baldwin, Esq.; Francis Harrison, having served Mess. Richd. and Henry Moore; and Silver Oliver, Esq., Le admitted freemen at large of this City. That 18 English shillings be paid the ringers of the Dells of S. Mary } . Shandon for ringing said Bells on 15 inst. for the joyful news received thn.t ·· . day of several Victories over the French ; It., £5 88. to Mess. S'. Leger aiHl 1 Francklin, for ~~upplied the army by order of the Mayor; It., £4 12s. 2 ~(l. to Uichard Burt, for plun1Ling work ; It., 40 shillings to Madge, daughter to Walter Lane, dec., an old servant of the Corporation, being the amount of a deut she contracted for burying her father. Present--Mr. Mayor, Mr. ~Iayor elect, Sher. Harding; Alden. Orono, W estropp, Busteed, Smith, Hodder, Tieily, Harding, I)hililott, Bury, Travers, Owgan, !Iillerd, Newman, and Mr. Clarke, C. S. 15 Sep., 1761. That Mr. H88re prepare an address to His Majesty on his marriage and the success of his arms. That His Excell. the Lord Lieutenant be presented with his freedom in a Gold ~not exceeding 50 guineas, the box ~_o ~-~~~ iu.London and sent to Joi1n Rely Hutchinsoti:Esii.:""for presentation. - · -·· - That an entertainment be prepared this evening for celebrating His Maj. \_A marriage; also another for the day of his Coronation. /\ That .£3 118. 2d. be paid Timothy Hughes for iron work supplied; It., 6 guineas to Rev. Michrel Tisdal, Corporation Chaplain, for six oc~ sermons ; It., a salary of £60 a year to the W aterbailiff. _That the Petty Customs of the Fowl, Egg, and Butter Market be set by public cant on 24 Sep. Present--Mr. Mayor, Sher. Owgan and Jackson; Aldea. Millerd, Crone, Busteed, Harding, Philpott, Bury, W estropp, and Mr. Clarke, C. S.
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