Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals


Fuller, Owgan, Westropp, Millerd, Crone, Wrixon, Busteed, Smith, Sr. John Freke, Hodder, Harding, and Philpott. 13 April, 1761. Ordered, that Thos. Rose, Esq., eldest son of Thos. Rose, mercht., dec.; George Rose, Esq., eldest son of Henry Rose, Esq., dec. ; Rev. tT ames Stop- ford, Clk., eldest son of the Right Reyd. James, Lord Bp. of Cloyne, dec. ; Richard Pyne, Esq., eldest son of Robert Wakeham, gent., commonly called Robert Wakeham Pyne, Esq., dec.; Richard Woodward, tallow chandler, having served Wm. Hare, do., dec. ; Sam 1• Beale, mercht., son of Benjamin B., having served Sam I. Pike, mercht.; Henry Mannix, mercht., son of Willm. M., having served Henry Mannix, do. ; and Richd. Terry, gent., eldest son of Sam 1• Terry, mercht., dec., be admitted freemen at large of the City of Cork. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Owgan; Alden. Jackson, Fuller, Owgan, Wes- tropp, Millerd, Crone, Smith, Wrixon, Busteed, Sir J. Freke, Hodder, Reily, Harding, Philpott ; Mr. Travers, and Mr. Lane, C. S. 2 May, 1761-No business for want of a sufficient number. Present- Mr. Mayor, Sher. Owgan ; Alden. Owgan, Crone, and Mr. Ab. Lane, C. S. 5 May, 1761. ( Ordered, that James O'Hara, Esq., Com. of H. M.S. George, stationed in this harbour, be presented with his freedom in a Silver box. That £5 8s. be paid Mr. Silvester Clarke, cooper, for six salt barrels ; It., £10 to Mr. John Newenham, clerk to Mr. Mayor, for good services. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Harding; Alden, Owgan, Crone, Smith, Hodder, Reily, Harding, Philpott, Wrixon, and Ab. Lane, C. S. 8 May, 1761. Whereas James Molesworth, &q., Lieut. Gov. of Cork, hath imprisoned the Collector of Petty Customs and his servant for collecting the Corporation dues at the market on Barrack hill, and wrote said collector a notice for- bidding him at his peril to collect said customs, and also wrote the Mayor a letter supporting his imprisoning said collector, tending to dispute the rights of the City a.nd support an arbitrary military power ; ordered, that Mr. Hoare, in the name of the Mayor, &c., under the City Seal, prepare a

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