Present-Yr. Mayor, both Sheriffs; Ald 80 • Owgan, Westrop, Millerd, Crone, Busteed, Reily, Harding, Swete, Winthrop, and Abra. Lane, C. S. 12 Sep., 1760. Several of the inhabitants of this City having petitioned the Council for liberty to build a stone bridge over the South river from Pellican's comer to Sn!J_iy~'s Quay, as the two Bridges formerly consented to be built by order of Ck>uncil and C. D. H. over said river could not be built, a passage through Mr. Lavit's Island being denied them, The Council consent to same, provided the bridge be at least the breadth of 20 feet in the clear, and a convenient lifting passage be made in said bridge for the passing and repassing of ships and masted boats, the persons undertaking the building of the Bridge to erect same at their own cost, the Corporation never to be at any expense in the repairs thereof.
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