Corn Market do., North and South Milk Market do., be set by public cant 8 Sep. next. That ·His Majestie's Equestrian Statue be erected at the South side of Tuckey's Bridge. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Francklin; Alden. Swete, Harding, W estropp, and Mr. Lane, C. S. 29 Aug., 1760. That the present Frize Market be converted into a Fowl Market, and the latter into a Butter and Egg Market. That the petty Customs of the Fowl Market and of the standings from North and South Gate be set by public cant 15 Sep., with this restriction, that no Standings be suffered to be on the North and South Bridges and the Gateways of said bridges, nor from the houses on each side of the main street to the first channel That the petty customs of the South Shambles and standings outside South Gate be set in same manner 16 Sep.; also those of theNorth Shambles and standings out of North Gate .on 17 Sep. ; do. of the Butter and Egg Market on 18 Sep.; and those of the Potatoe and Root Market on 19 Sep. Whereas several persons, not being Freemen at large of this City, have lately presumed to fish for Herrings in the river Lee without the licence of the Mayor, ordered, that the Waterbailiff and his deputy destrain all nets of such persons. Ald. Wrixon, Mr. Sher. Francklin and Connor, Ald. Harding and Philpotts, being the majority of the committee appointed to report on a proper place to build a Mayoralty House, and having reported that Ald. Reily hath a convenient lot of ground on Haman's Marsh fit for building a Mayoralty House on, containing 50 feet in front and 100 feet in depth, and that a commodious double coach-house, two cellars, and a large stable are lately built thereon, and that the same is worth the yearly rent of 50 pounds, ordered, that the said lot be taken from Ald. Reily for the term of 700 years at .£50 a year from 25 March next. That an arch be turned and a pedestal be erected on the South side of Tuckey's Bridge for erecting His Majestie's Statue, pursuant to a1>lan now before the Council, and that Mr. Mayor, Ald. Busteed, Mr. Mayor Elect, with those of the C. D. H., be a Committee for doing said work.
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