QUARTERAGE RECOVEUADLE BEFORE THE MAYOR. 735 is recoverable before the MayQr in a summary way,-according to the ancient prescription of this City, ordered, that the 1\fayor, on the first complaint n1ade unto hiin for Quarterage, proceed to detcnnine same, and that he be supported out of the City·rev;nues. That £33 13s. 3~d. be paid 1\frs. Esther Holmes for cloathing supplied the boys of S. Stephen's Hospital in the time of Ald. Croker being master thereof, said sum to be accounted for on the loan of £920 formerly borrowed by the Corporation from the trustees of said Hospital for building Skiddy's and Bretridge's Alms houses. Present-Mr. Mayor, both Sherifl's; Alden. }"'arren, 'Vestropp, Wrixou, Crone, Smith, Busteed, Reily, Hodder, and Swete. 6 .A U!J., 17GO. No business for want of a sufficient number.-Wm. Snowe, Dep. Clk. Present-Mr. l\1ayor, Sher. Francklin ; Alden. Harding, Phil1mtt, Reily, Crone. 2G .Aug., 1760. No business for want of a sufficient number.-Wm. Snowe, Dep. Clk. Present-Mr. ])layor, both Sheriffs; Alden. Westropp, Millerd, Winthrop, .Reily, Harding, and 'vm. Lane, C. S. 27 .Aug., 1760. Mr. Mayor Elect and Mr. Com. Speaker sworn to keep the secrets of the Council. That £21 7s. 2id. be paid Mr. Mayor, cost of the entertainment at Black- )( rook 1 Aug.; also £20 168. to Mr. John Smith for ale supplied the army on ,.-- rejoicing days ; also £4 68. 4d. to Andrew Dalton for carpenter's work ; also .£1 98. 6d. to Ebenezer Sargent, City Overseer; also £92 168. 3id. to Rob. Hoare, Esq., for Law E..xpenses; also £34 188. 6jd. to Mr. Wm. Bull, ·attorney, for do. i also £18 to the Coroners for inquests from 29 Oct. last to 12 Aug. inst. That the .£250 left by .Mr. Dan 1• Thresher for occasional sermons every month in one of the City churches be lent to Mr. John Garratt, cho~~-,- maker, on his executing a mortgage on the premises mentioned in his pro- posal, and executing his bond to the Mayor, &c. That the Gateage tolls, Waterbailiff's employment, Fish Market dues,
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