charged themselves with in their accounts, and which sums are granted to the Corporation of Corke by the King's most gracious charter; also £84 48. 5d. to said Wrixon for law business; also £24 Bs. 4Jd. to Mr. Bull, attorney, his bill of costs; also £4 5s. to Mess. Sterling and Alcock, clerks of the House of Commons of Ireland, their fees on the renewal of the Lamp Act of this City. That the Charter of King Char. I., whereby all fines and forfeitures are granted to the Corporation, be pleaded in the Court of Exchequer, and the Chief Baron's fees thereon paid, in order to have same allowed, that the Sheriffs of this City for the future may not be troubled by the officers of said court in the passing their accounts. That £2 14s. 4!d. be paid Rout. Newenham, Esq., paid by him for the Corporation when Sheriff. That James Molesworth, Esq., Lieut. of the garrison of Cork, be presented with his freedom in a Silver box. )\ That Mr. Hoare apply to the representatives of Mr. Daniel Thresher, dec., for a legacy of £250 by him bequeathed to the Mayor, &c., upon trust to purchase lands to pay a clergyman for preaching an occasional sermon the first Sunday in every month in the parish church of S. Mary Shandon. - That Ald. Busteed and Swete be a Committee for repairing Blackrock Castle. That Mr. George Randals have liberty to extend his quay into the South Channel of the river Lee, leaving said Channel 80 feet wide in the narrowest part, said Ra~dals to.have a lease for 999 years .at 5 shill. a year. Present-Mr. Mayor, both Sheriffs; Alden. Jackson, Owgan, Taylor, Crone, Wrixon, Busteed, Reily, Harding, Philpott, Swete, and Millerd. 13 May, 1760. This day Ald. Harding, Swete, Mr. Boyle Travers, Mr. John Lapp, Mr. Robt. Lane, and Mr. Richd. Marrett, being a Committee to settle the public accounts, report, that they adjusted the accounts of Francis Carleton, Esq., Chamberlain, to 29 Sep. last, and there is a ballance of £1643 12s. lOfd. due from said Carleton to the Corporation. That £10 be paid :Mr. John Newenham, Clerk to Mr. Mayor, for several good services done the Corporation. This day the Mayor, &c., signed a receipt to James Piersey, Esq., surviving
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