Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



21 Nov., 1759. That £6 12s. be paid 1\!r.l\Iayor, expenses of an entertainment at the) · Exchange, on account of the taking of Quebec ; and 18s. for the ringers of Shandon Bells on the day of rejoicing for same. Also £8 14s. 11~d. to Andrew Dalton, carpenter, expenses of fitting up a Pulpit, stools, and desk in North Gaol. Also £1 14s. 10d. to 1\Ir. Francis I,enrose, for timber for the repairs of Blackrock Castle. That Mr.l\Iayor repair the Coal-hole, and the place where the Corporation tools are kept under the City Court-house, and also erect a pair of stairs to the Armory in the 1\Iarket-house. That the Chamberlain allow Wm. Callaghan the rent of the Officers' Guard-room out of the rent he pays the Corporation. That Thomas Burroughs, Esq., Counc. at Law, be admitted free at large, and Benj. Burton, Esq., one of the Com. of H. M. Revenue, be presented with his freedom in a Silver box. -1 That Joseph Bennet, Esq., Recorder of this City, be paid a yearly salary of £60, instead of .£26, as formerly. X That .£5 a-year be paid to Francis Adams, an ancient freeman and bell- man of this City, being grown infirm. That .£4 be paid to Mr. St. Laurence Bowden, clerk to the Collector of the Port of Cork, for supplying two years' lists of shipping inwards. Present--Mr. Mayor, Sheriff Franklyn; Alden. Atkins, Jackson, Farren, Owgan, W estropp, Crone, Busteed, Smith, Reily, Harding, Wrixon; Mr. Shadwell, C. S., Ald. Newman and Parker. . 27 lroo., 1759. That Mr. Hoare g~t a memorial drawn to the H. C.~ setting forth that the act of Parliament made last sessions in Great Britain for the exportation of - live cattle from this kingdom is highly injurious to the trade thereof, and praying such resolution thereon as to them shall seem most proper, same to be sent to John Rely Hutchinson, Esq., to be by him presented to the House, and that ~Ir. Hoare do in the name of the Corporation write to Emanl. Pigott and Tho. Newenham, Esqrs., members for this City, and to Sr. John Freke, Bart., Sr. Henry Cavendish, Bart., Sir Richd. Cox, Bart.,

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