Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals


boat hire to fish for Oysters in the river Lee in exertion [s-ic] of the City rights; also £5 138. 9d. to Revd. 1\fichl. Tisdal for five occasional Sergl(?U.S.,6___ _ also 68. Ojd. to Eben. Sargent, expenses in pulling down a nuisance erected on the Town Walls. That Paul Benson, merchant; Edwd. Scott, clothier ; Rich d. Pope, having served John Allin, clothier, and Norris Ballard, clothier, eldest son of Alcock Ballard, mercht., be admitted free at large. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Parks; Alden. Farren, Fuller, Bradshaw, Crone, Westropp, Winthrop, Reily, Harding, Philpot, and Mr. Shadwell, u.s. 27 Sep., 1759. No business for want of a sufficient number. - Robt. Hoare, Clk. of Council. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Parks; Alden. Farren, Jackson, Crone, Reily, Hardin·g. 28 Sep., 1759. This day AIJen. 'Vestropp, '\Vrixon, Reily, Robt. Travers, Esq., and Mr. Izod, appointed for. settling the publick accounts, examined Mr. }..rancis Carleton's accts. as Chamberlain to 29 Sep. la.Rt, and find a balance of £1514 08. Oid. due from said Carleton to the Corporation. Ordered, that £5 5s. 3d. be paid Mr. Mayor, expenses of an entertainment \ given at the Exchange to celebrate the glorious Victories of Admiral Bos- ( cawen, Gent. Amherst and Sir Wm. Johnson over the French; also £8 17 s. 3d. to Mr. Mayor, the expenses of riding the fringes. )< That £40 a-year, from 29 Sep. inst., be paid the guardians· of Edwd. Roche, Esq., during his minority, for that part of the ground on which part of the Exchange is built, and which the Corporation formerly took from the ancestors of said Edward, and that a lease be taken from the guardians during ~aid minority. That Mr. Hoare, agent,.take proper defence to a bill in Chancery filed by the Earl of Shannon, the Bishop of Elphin, and George Connor, Esq., against the Mayor, Sher., and Commonalty, touching the rights of the fishing of the river of Corke. That Jonas Travers, gent. ; David Roche, Esq.; Thomas Whiting, merch.,

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