Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals




John Swete, Esq., Mayor. 22 Sep., 1759. ORDERED, that £39 18s. 9d. be paid the Execrs. of Ald. Lavit, in full for all accounts due from the Corporation. That £73 78. Sd. be paid the trustees of S. Stephen's Hospital, to enable them to pay a debt of £66 148. 7d. due to the Executrs. of Ald. Lavit for timber for said Hospital; also £6 138. 1d. to Thos. Otway, nailer, for iron- work for said Hospital, said sums of £73 78. 8d. to be accounted for on the loan of £920 formerly borrowed by the Corporation from said Trustees for building Skiddie's and Bretridge's Hospitals. That £92 be paid Alden. Bradshaw, Farren, Harding, Mr. John Shadwell, C. S., and Revd. Mich 1• Tisdal for repairing the Steeple of S. Ann's, Shandon, in the par. of S. Mary, Shandon, and that they provide four flagstaffs with proper Flags or Ensigns, two decorated with the City Arms, and two with .....,_ the arms of Ireland, to be hoisted on the Church on rejoicing days; £2 6s. to Wm. Callaghan, an allowance of six week's rent of the house he holds under the Corporation, said house taking six weeks to be finished after the commencement of his lease; also £41 168. 11d. t~ Robt. Hoare, Esq., law expenses; also £7 13s. 6d. to Timothy Hughes, for ironwork, &c.; also £113 18s. 9d. to Mr. Mayor, to pay the costs taxed by the Court of King's Bench against him on the complaints of several Journeymen J oyners ; also ' .. £13 18s. 6~d. to Mr. Walter Palliser, for Newspapers and votes of the ' · H. C. supplied the Corporation to 5 July last. That Ald. Busteed buy twelve new Coal Barrels and have the old ones repaired. Also £46 5s. 10d. to Mr. Wm. Bull, law expenses; also £114s. 7id. to :1\Ir. Sheriff Parks, expenses in pulling down a nuisance in Paul Street; also £2 18s. 9d. to Afr. :Mayor, so much paid by him for t~o dredges and

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