Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



damage done Counc. Bruce's houses adjoining the market near the Main Guard. That the North and South Bridges, the North and South Milk Markets, the Meat Shambles, the Meat Shambles out of South Gate, the Old Fish Market be forthwith put in repair, and the hutment of Daunt's Bridge, and that Ald. Harding and Mr. Shadwell, C. S., be overseers of repairing North Bridge and North Milk Market and Shambles, and that Ald. Wes- tropp and Busteed be overseers of the repairing the South Bridge and South Milk Market and Meat Shambles, and the Mayor Elect, and Ald. Wrixon overseers for repairing Daunt's Bridge and the Old Fish Market. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Parks, Mayor Elect; Alden. Atkins, Jackson, Farren, Owgan, Westropp, Wrixon, Busteed, Hodder, Reily, Harding, and Mr. Shadwell, C. S. Sep., 1759. That the duties of the Frize Market near the Exchange, the South and North Shambles, Fowl, Egg, Root and Several Potatoe Markets be let separately to the highest bidder, on 24 Sept., the persons taking said Duties to pass quarterly Bonds with proper Security for payment of said duties. That the Root Market be immediately repaired, and that Mr. Mayor oversee the work. That Alden. Westropp, Wrixon, and Harding be a committee to examine the accounts of Ald. Lavit, dec., and report what is due, if any, to the executors of said Lavit. ""- · That £18 3s. Oid. for the entertainment at Blackrock Castle, last Aug.; '. · £10 12s. llld. for do. on the Prince of Wales' birth-day; £11 lOs. 3d. for I .• '-. do. on the Victory gained by Prince Ferdinand over the French, making in all £40 6s. 3d., be paid to the Mayor. , , That a Clerk to attend the Divine Service in the City Gaol, and male. ·\. factors to execution, be paid 40s. a year. That £3 lOs. be paid Wm. Callaghan, half-year's rent of the Officers' Guard Room, ending 25 March last·; also £15 to the Coroners of this City, for 15 inquests by them held from 7 Nov., 1758, to 7 Sep., 1759 ;

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