Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals


That the suit in Equity commenced against the Rev. Mr. Orpen and his wife, for recovery of the money due to the Blue Coat Hospital from James Browne, dec., be refeiTed to two lawyers, and if they cannot agree, to a third as au umpire. That Capt. Williamson, of His 1\Iaj. Ship Defiance, now in Corke Harbour, '/.'be presented with his freedom in a Silver box. That the Mayor buy 100 Barrels of Coal for the use of the Corporation. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Parks; Alden. Jackson, Farren, Newman, Westropp, Busteed, Reily, Harding, Philpott, and Rickotts, C. S. 30 ltfay, 1759. -/ That Mr. Mayor provide an Entertainment next Monday Evening at the Council Chamber to celebrate the Prince of Wales' Birth day on his arrival at the age of 21 years. That £10 be paid John Newenham, gent., Clerk to the Mayor, for goocl services done by him for this Corporation; also £15 lOs. 4d. to Mr. Mayor, costs to the tipstafs being taken on the attachment of the Court of King's Bench : also £95 18s. 2d. to Mr. Wm. Bull, attorney, for law business done from Michas., 1758: to 23 March last; also £31 17s. ld. to Mr. Nicholas Wrixon, attY., for law business, from Mich., 1787, to Hillary, 1759. That the Fringes (Franchises 1) of the City be rid this year pursuant to ancient Custom, and for the future the same shall be regularly rid every i third year. "'!r That Mr. Mayor do provide an Entertainment at Blackrock Castle 1 Aug. next, and that the Mayor and the other proper officers of the Corporation do J go in their boats to the Harbour's mouth and other parts of the channel and river to exert their ancient rights to the government thereof, and that the 1 Mayor and other officers do land at convenient places in the said harbour I '·) and proceed to high water mark in evidence of the right of jurisdiction granted by Charter to the Corporation in all Creeks and Strands within the Harbour as far as high water mark. 1 Present--Mr. Mayor, Sher. Parks ; Alden. Jackson, Farren, Westropp, Crone, Wrix.on, Busteed, Reily, Harding, and Philpott. 4 July, 1759. This day Mr. John Shadwell, Jun., took the Common Speaker's oath of Secrecy.

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