Present-Mr. Mayor, both Sheriffs; Alden. Farren, Jackson, Westropp, Crone, Busteed, Hodder, Reily, Harding, Philpotts, and Mr. Rickotts, C. S. 11 .April, 1759. That John Rely Hutchinson, Esq., one of His Maj. Council, be admitted a freeman at large. That £1 13s. 2d. be paid Richd. Harrison, sadler, for leather work supplied for the City Engine : also 19s. 3d. to :Francis Evans, 'Change Porter, for faggots, sand, and brooms, &c. That John, eldest son of Danl. Crone, gent., dec., be admitted a freeman at large. Present--Mr. Mayor, both Sheriffs ; Alden. Jackson, Farren, Newman, Parker, Westropp, Busteed, Hodder, Reily, Harding, Philpott, and Mr. C. S. 26 .April, 1759. The Mayor, for want of a sufficient number, could not proceed.- Wm. Snowe, Dep. Clk. of Council. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Parks; Alden. Jackson, Farren, Newman, Westropp, Crone,){eily, Phil,Pott, and Rickotts, C. S. 27 .April, 1759. That £40 2s. 3d. be paid Mr. Mayor towards the Expenses attending the prosecution of Henry Meskell; also £39 19s. 10d. to Mr. Bickford Heard, attJ., costs defending Ald. Philpott in the King's Bench, and other law business; also £1118s. 9d. to Mr. Walter Palliser for Newspapers and Votes supplied to 5 July last; also £54 88. lOld. to the Trustees of S. Stephen's Hospital on account of the loan of £920 formerly borrowed for building Skiddy's and Bretridge's Hospitals; also £114s. lid. to Michrel Exbam, shoemaker, for lodgings provided for the officers of the Com Market Guard House during the Mayoralty of Ald. Philpott. That John, eldest son of Ald. Harding; John, having served his father, John Shadwell, merch'.; George, eldest son of Mathias Smith, gent., dec.; John, eldest son of Ald. Newman; Henry White, merch'., having served Richard Pike, merch'., be admitted freemen at large. That £9 12s. be paid Ald. Bradshaw, the expense of a Silver box for Mr. Sec. Rigby.
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