Board that he make an affidavit of the several matters in his knowledge relat:ve to this affair. Present--1\Ir. 1\Iayor, Sher. Parks; Aid~ 0 • Jackson, Farren, Westropp, l\1illerd, Crone, 'Vrixon, Busteed, Sr. John Freke, Hodder, Reily, Harding, Philpott, and 1\Ir. Rickotts, C. S. 5 Feb., 17 59. That Ebenezer Sargeant be appointed overseer of the Public Works of this City, at a Salary of £20 a year, and that instructions in writing be given him. ~ Present-1\Ir. 1\Iayor, Sher. Parks; Alden. Atkins, Jackson, Farren, Wes- tropp 1\Iillerd 'Vrixon Freke Ilodder Heily IlarJiwr J•hilnott and 1\Ir J J J I J I Ol L' I • Hickotts, C. S. Copy of an order fl'Om the IJords ,Justices Gen. and Gen. Governors of Ireland, to the Commanding Officer of His 1\Iaj. Forces at Cove. fly the JJords J usticcs, &c., George Armagh, Shannon. 'Ve do hereby direct and require you, upon application made to you by the Mayor of Corke, or any of his 1\Iajrs. Justices of the J>eace in the saicl City or nejghbourhood thereof, to be aiding and assisting to them, or any of them, in the execution of their offices as Justices of the Peace, and for so doing this shall be your Warrant. Given at his Maj. Castle of Dublin, the 27 day January, 1759. By their Excellencies' Command. Tuos. WAITE. To the Commanding Officer of His MajJS. },orces at Cove. 13 Feb., 1759. Whereas His Majys. Court of King's Bench hath thought proper to attach the Mayor upon the Complaint of John Meskell, for committing him to the Marshalsea for Quarteridge, and a special warrant was granted by the tipstafs -- of said Court to one Richd. Burke and Danl. Donovan, also two of said -- Quarterers, and who also had Complaints in said Court against the Mayor, and whereas said Burke yesterday publickly arrested the Mayor, and behaved with great disrespect ; ordered, that a memorial be forthwith prepared in the /· names of the. l.Iavor, Sheriffs, and Commonalty of this City setting forth the
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