Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



30 Jan., 1759. Whereas Hichd. Burke, carpenter, hath made an affitlavit against the 1\fayor in the Court of King's Bench, for committing said Burke for quar- terage, ordered that the suit be defended at the expense of the Corpora- tion. That £13 13s. 5d. be paid Mrs. Esther Holmes for clothes for the _Blue Coats and Exchange Porter. That Abraham, eldest ~on of Jonas Devonshire, Mercht., dec., be admitted a freeman at large. That £62 2s. 2d. be paid Mr. Wm. Snowe, Not. Pub., for business done by him from 29 Oct., 1757, to 20 Jan., 1759. That William, eldest son of Christr. Forward, Esq., dec.; William Wil- cocks, mercht., having served David Bruce; Charles Williams, gent.; Fran- cis Wood, clothier, having served his father, Thos. Wood, be admitted free- men at large. That a recommeudation of the Revd. Michl. Tisdal, Corporation Chap- lain, be presented to the Bishop of Corke in the name of the Council, and that Mr. Mayor, the two Sheriffs, Ald. Fuller and Reily, do wait on his Lordship with the said recommendation. That the Charters of Queen Eliz., King James I., Charles I., and King George II. be copied fair in a large book, and a translation into English of €ach Charter be entered in said book, to be kept in the Town Clerk's office, for the use of the Council, and that the Dep. Clerk of the Council do prepare same. That £17 17 s. ld. be paid Wm. Fitton, brazier, for making a new and re- pairing an old Fire Engine, &c. Upon reading a copy of an affidavit made by Ald. Millerd in the suit depending against him, Stephen Hopkins and John Skeyes in the Ex- chequer, for recovery of the ballance due from said Hopkins to the Corpo- ration as late chamberlain, the Council are of opinion that said affidavit is highly injurious to the members of this board, and that every member thereof should join in making an affidavit to clear themselves from the unjust charge of partiality ann misconduct made against them by Ald. Mil- lerd, and as the Dep. Clerk of the Council is well acquainted with the Cor- poration Books and Constitution of the Body Politick, it is desired by this


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