Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



of any law-suit to be borne by the Corporation, said Bohilly's attempt being an high breach of the ancient priviledges of this City. That Alden. Westropp, Wrixon, Reily, with those appointed by the C. D. H. be a committee for settling the Public accounts from 29 Sep., 1757, to 29 Sep., 1758. Whereas Ald. Philpott has been served with an order out of the King's Bench, for committing, as Mayor of this City, one John Magrath, a taylor, for the price of a ladie's Jacket, which it appears to the Mayor he spoiled ; __ .. __ _ ordered, that the expenses be out of the revenues of the Corporation. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sheriffs Parks and Collis; Alden. Farren, Jackson, Westropp, Crone, Wri.xon, Busteed, Reily, Harding, and Philpott. 12 Dec., 1758. The Mayor was obliged to break up for want of sufficient number. Present-Mr. Mayor, both Sheriffs; Alden. Jackson, Westropp, Crone, Busteed, Hodder, Philpott, (afterwards) Ald. Farren. 13 Dec., 17.58. Whereas Hugh Taylor, by order, 2 Feb., 1757, was appointed overseer of Public Works, and as Mr. Mayor this day reported that said Taylor behaved to him with great disrespect, ordered, he be discharged. That John, only son of Ald. Bennett, dec., and John Minchin, Esq., cousin-german to the Mayor, be admitted freemen at large. That the fish be immediately removed to the New Fish Market, and that the standings with Fowl and Eggs be removed to the present Fish Market; that the standings in the street, of Frize~ Flannell, Bandle-cloth, Gartering, Hardware, Stockings, &c., as incommode the streets, be removed to the New Market near the Guard-house, and that Mr. Mayor set the standings in said Markets (except the Fish Market) to the best advantage, by the week. Whereas the Petty dues received by the Corporation for pitching or standing in the street hath been a pretence for crowding the street with standings, to the great inconvenien~ of the public passage; and whereas Markets have been erected by the Corporation for articles formerly sold in the street; ordered, that no standings be suffered in the Public Street, or on the Bridges, and that the Pitching pence for standings in the street shall not from henceforth be collected until further order to the contrary.

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